Århus Elite A/S - admittance to trading and official listing of new shares

|                                      |           Copenhagen, 15 October 2008 |
Århus Elite A/S - admittance to trading and official listing of new shares      

The B share capital of Århus Elite A/S will be increased by 50,073 new shares of
DKK 1. The admittance to trading and official listing will take effect on 20    
October 2008.                                                                   

We refer to the announcements published by Århus Elite A/S, e.g. announcements  
of 6 and 8 October 2008.                                                        

| ISIN:                                 | DK0010263722 (VP: 1026372)           |
| Name in Official List:                | Århus Elite B                        |
| Volume before change:                 | 39,765,928 shares (DKK 39,765,928)   |
| Change:                               | 50,073 shares (DKK 50,073)           |
| Volume after change:                  | 39.816.001 shares. (DKK 39.816.001)  |
| Subscription price, new shares:       | 21,055 shares - at DKK 1.50          |
|                                       | 29,018 shares - at DKK 8.47          |
| Dividend, new shares:                 | Full for 2008                        |
| Denomination:                         | DKK 1                                |
| Short name:                           | ELITE B                              |

For further information, please contact: Helene Gaustad Jeppesen, Surveillance, 
tel. +45 33 93 33 66


arhus elite - rettet emission - oktober 2008 - uk.pdf