Who is The Great Green Bird King? -- New Picture Book Tells the Delightful Story of One Bird's Extraordinary Destiny

EWA BEACH, Hawaii, Oct. 16, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Far away in the deep, dark jungles of Africa, in Nepakazoo, there lived a flock of birds known as the Zoozoo MacDoos. The Zoozoos were very gloomy birds despite their bright feathers. One day, a green and yellow chick hatches from a purple egg, looking like the Zoozoos, but he was also different. Who is this new bird and how will he change the lives of Zoozoos? Find out in The Great Green Bird King, a delightful picture book by Darryl Castillo.

Mackie MacDoo may look like the Zoozoos, but he was also unlike them. The Zoozoos had bright red feathers which they hide under robes, while Mackie had green feathers. The Zoozoos never laughed, ran, smiled or had fun. They were always very gloomy. Mackie was different. He loved to play and have fun -- running, skating, singing and most of all, laughing. Since he was not like the Zoozoos, no one would play with Mackie. Upset, he left Nepakazoo. Meanwhile, the Zoozoo chief, Abazu MacDoo, discovers an ancient story about The Great Green Bird King and consults the elders about Mackie.

Could Mackie be this great king? If he is, can the Zoozoos find Mackie and bring him back home? Will Mackie accept his destiny? Discover the answers as the exciting events unfold in The Great Bird King! Get a copy now at your local book retailer or online at Xlibris.com. Buy a copy and enjoy it with your kids!

About the Author

Darryl Castillo was always a loving daddy. He lost his first daughter Shelby, 10 days before her first birthday, from a congenital heart condition. He was and still is that doting father to all three of his girls (Alyssa, 16, Paige, 15, and Cassandra, 12).

He started making homemade books for his girls' birthdays as a special gift. His first book in the "Mackie" series was made in 1996 when Alyssa was 5 years old. Each girl has one or more book dedicated / made especially for them. His books inlcude: The Great Green Bird King, Mackie and the Evil Badoo, A Queen for Nepakazoo, The Royal Zoozoo Pet, and King Zackie's Katkit Bat. Castillo has also written other books: One Dreamy Saturday in the Deep Blue Sea, Paigey Cake, One Special "A" for Alyssa Day, Sassy Sarah Miller, and Hooray for Breakfast.

All of the "Mackie" series can be ordered by emailing Dkawelo@aol.com.

                The Great Green Bird King * by Darryl Castillo
                      Publication Date: February 6, 2008
              Picture Book; $15.99; 24 pages; 978-1-4257-9383-8

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