CORRECTION: Draft resolutions of Sanitas AB Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting

Article 6 of the draft resolutions of the Extraordinary General shareholders
meeting is deleted. 

Management Board of Sanitas AB, company‘s identification code 1341 36296,
official seat Vytauto ave. 3, LT-44354, Kaunas, approved draft resolutions of
the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting, which will take place on
October 27, 2008 at 15.00 p.m. at Sanitas AB Vilnius office (J. Jasinskio str.
16 B, Vilnius, 6th floor). 

1. Establishment of Sanitas AB audit committee and election of it‘s members.
Draft resolution proposed to the General Shareholders Meeting:

1.1.	To establish Sanitas AB audit committee.
1.2.	To elect ________________ (independent member);
- _________________________;
- Alina Nausedaite.
as members of Sanitas AB audit committee until the end of term of the
Management Board of the Company. 

2. Approval of audit committee regulation.
Draft resolution proposed to the General Shareholders Meeting:

2.1. To confirm Regulations of activity and composition of the audit committee
of Sanitas AB (enclosed). 
2.2. To authorise chairman of the Management Board Darius Sulnis to sign
confirmed Regulations of activity and composition of the audit committee of
Sanitas AB. 

3. On the change of the address of the registered office of Sanitas AB.
Draft resolution proposed to the General Shareholders Meeting:

3.1. To change address of the registered office of Sanitas AB from Vytauto ave.
3, Kaunas to Veiveriu str. 134 B, Kaunas. 

4. On the change of the company's articles of association and approval of the
new wording of articles of association. 
Draft resolution proposed to the General Shareholders Meeting:

4.1. To approve amendments of Company‘s articles of association, related to the
change of the address of the registered office, and new wording of Articles of
Association prepared taking into account these amendments. (enclosed). 
4.2. To authorize Company‘s General Manager Saulius Jurgelenas to sign
amendments of articles of association and amended articles of association and
to register articles of association into the Register of Legal Entities. 

5. Election of audit company and determination of the conditions for audit
Draft resolution proposed to the General Shareholders Meeting:

5.1. To elect Ernst & Young Baltic UAB as Company‘s auditor for review of
annual consolidated financial statements for 2008. 
5.2. To pay annual payment of 139 838 LTL (€ 40 500) for provided services (VAT
is not included) and additional costs (travelling, accommodation and other
alike) not exceeding 10 358 LTL (€ 3000) (VAT is not included). 

Alina Nausedaite
+ 370 37 20 06 62


articles of association.pdf regulations of audit committee.pdf