Every Woman is a `Woman On Purpose' -- New Book Emphasizes That All Women Were Created by God With Destinies to Fulfill

STOCKBRIDGE, Ga., Oct. 16, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- No matter where or how she starts, God already has a plan for each and every woman. Since creation, the woman is tasked to fulfill her destiny and readers can find out why as Xlibris releases Woman on Purpose, the touching new book authored by Bola Adepoju.

Woman on Purpose emphasizes that everyone was created on purpose with a purpose to fulfill. The only reason why most women do not fulfill their purpose before they die is either because they do not discover their purpose, or because they allow the devil, situations and circumstances to discourage, deter or abort their destinies. This inspiring, life-changing, thought-provoking, and life-transforming book challenges women to strive for excellence and become trailblazers rather than followers. As women continue to climb up the ranks of many parts of modern civilization, this book proves that the woman, even though she may have been called several negative names in the past, does not have to answer to those names but to the names God calls her in His Word.

It takes the "Woman on Purpose" on a trip along the road to destiny, causing her to meet women in the Bible, who, even though they had their challenges (some started badly, and it seemed they could never make it), were still able to fulfill their destinies. Ultimately, this volume clarifies that God did not make a mistake when He created the woman. It is truly a blessing that she is created a woman to make a difference.

The text reiterates that every woman has a destiny already concluded in God's plan. It does not matter where she is or how she started, there is a plan and purpose of God for her. She is created purposely as a woman and she has deposited in her unique and divine abilities. The woman created by God is a walking miracle going somewhere to happen. The only person that can stop the woman is the woman herself!

Highly recommended to women of all ages, color, race and ethnic background, Woman on Purpose is now available for ordering at your local bookstore or call Xlibris at (888) 795-4274. Woman on Purpose will be featured in this year's New York Library Association event at Saratoga Springs, NY.

About the Author

Pastor Bola Adepoju, is the founder of Woman on Purpose, an affiliate of Northern Star Ministries, a ministry she and her husband lead. Woman on Purpose is a ministry that provides spiritual advice, motivational speaking, prayers, mentoring and coaching services to women of all ages, races, color and ethnic background.

She is an ordained pastor, who pastored and co-pastored churches with several branches in North America, England, and other parts of the world. She is an advent speaker with an unusual calling to women. Her message goes to women to meet them where they are. God is not a God that abandons us because of what we have done or where we are. He meets His children where they are to take them to where He wants them to be.

She has to her credit several unpublished and published articles for women. She is the author of the book titled, "Woman on Purpose", a life-touching, thought-provoking, life-transforming book that women all over the world say is a must read. The book encourages women to shake off the frustration of defeat, shame of failure and the fear of the future. Her bi-weekly newsletter titled "Woman on Purpose" is transmitted to women in various parts of the U.S. and abroad. She continues to put into writing what her heart speaks to women of all ages, races, color and ethnic background.

She models the ministry of Jesus with a view towards "touching lives one woman at a time" as she speaks to audiences on local, national and international levels. Her primary focus is to minister to women from a perspective that it is not over until God says it is over. She is a prophetic intercessor with a passion to set women free from satanic bondage. Her love for the unsaved, afflicted and oppressed has taken her on mission trips abroad. Her passion about her relationship with God, her love for Him and His truth and her desire for people and women in particular to excel is the message she preaches everywhere she goes. Her motto in life is; "There is nothing God cannot do. With God on your side, there is nothing you cannot do. The only person that can stop you is YOU."

Pastor Bola received her Bachelors of Arts degree at Spelman College and her Masters in Business Administration from Atlanta University, both in Atlanta, Georgia.

                  Woman On Purpose * by Bola Adepoju
                   Publication Date: April 27, 2007
          Trade Paperback; $8.50; 67 pages; 978-1-4257-5480-8

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