What Can Be Done to Reduce Poverty Worldwide -- New Book Reveals Author's Insights and Observations On How Poverty Can be Wiped Out

ELMVALE, Ontario, Oct. 16, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wiping out poverty worldwide is a task that requires not only sacrificing but economic and social innovations as well. For many years, author George R. Grant took part in task forces to reduce poverty and along the way he made close observations on how economic factors played roles in shaping society. His insights on poverty reduction are revealed at last with the release of his new book Tackling the Poverty of Nations: Why So Many Are Poor and What We Can Do About It.

Tackling the Poverty of Nations is a comprehensive guide written as part autobiographical and part theoretical. It reveals to readers how poverty affected the author's perception of the world when he arrived in South Africa and saw the intense poverty there. This experience compelled him to act to help poor people and along the way he saw rural residents trekking temporarily to the cities to bring back money (known as "reverse mercantilism"), which later resulted in overcrowding in the city slums. As a result, "parallel commodity money" played a role in inflation-less job creation while "distributional reform" prevented an inadequate demand for employment. Afterward, a return to rural development was required through "export promotion" primarily to bring much-needed money into rural areas as well as the creation of rural settlements. The combination of such economic developments later results in a sound solution to reduce poverty.

To order a copy of this engaging read, feel free to visit your local bookstore or call Xlibris at 1-888-795-4274 today.

         Tackling the Poverty of Nations * by George R. Grant
           Why So Many Are Poor and What We Can Do About It
                   Publication Date: 08/15/2008
        Trade Paperback; $19.99; 203 pages; 978-1-4363-3582-9
         Cloth Hardback; $29.99; 203 pages; 978-1-4363-3583-6

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