no 73/08 System upgrades at Nord Pool 2009

Lysaker, 20 October 2008

Information to all members

Nord Pool will within the first quarter of 2009 upgrade its technical business systems. This will include enhanced business functionality for both trading and clearing systems.

The system upgrade is part of our strategy to offer the best market solutions and assuring that our customers are offered a modern and robust platform.

Some members will need to do technical upgrades to internal IT-systems, third-party software or IT-network setups to accommodate the changes in the Nord Pool systems. Nord Pool will assist in any way possible to accommodate these changes. However, we may not have updated details on all systems used by our members. We therefore request our members to evaluate their needs in the following areas. 
The main changes relevant to all our members will be: 

1. Functionality

1.1 The reporting solution Clearing Report Application (CRA)  is enhanced by

a new business-to-business feature for transferring report data via XML, from the Nord Pool reporting system to third-party software solutions

some reports will be added or changed to accommodate members' needs

new export formats will be available for both new and existing reports

the visual presentation of all reports will be slightly changed   
1.2 The functionality of the Clearing Desk Application (CDA) will

be replaced and incorporated into a new front-end tool offered by NASDAQ OMX 

retain existing functionality, as well as include several new features  
1.3 The PowerCLICK application and the OMX CLICK/Secur interface (OMex API) will 
     be upgraded from version 17.4/17.5 to version 19.2. 

2. Connectivity

2.1 The CDA application is currently accessed directly via the Internet, using a PIN code from a security token. For some members it may be necessary to communicate with Nord Pool/NASDAQ OMX through a VPN connection  or a fixed line  instead. Members currently using PowerCLICK already have such a connection in place, whereas others may need to install a VPN connection. The technical requirements in this area are not yet fully evaluated from Nord Pool. More information will follow as it becomes available.

2.2 Front-end tools other than CDA, or back office systems retrieving data from CDA.  In 2009, Nord Pool will offer our members access to data directly from our system vendor NASDAQ OMX using OMXLINK. The SOAP Client currently being used will not be used in the future. Upgrade to OMXLINK involve a new XML schema and a new communication protocol. Applications using the CDA XML interface will have to be changed and tested to conform with OMXLINK.

2.3 Some members also use in-house or third party software instead of PowerCLICK.  Due to the upgrade of the Secur/CLICK system, these applications will also need to be upgraded  due to changes in OMex API.
Information about the new and changed systems will be available on Nord Pool's web site. Please see /en/asa/Markets/System-upgrades/ system upgrades>>  for up-to-date information and technical downloads. 

If you have any questions about these changes, do not hesitate to contact us at . 
For further information, please contact Nord Pool:  

Rein-Amund Schultz, head of IT development, Nord Pool ASA,
phone +47 6752 8022 

Camilla Christiansen, head of market and credit, Nord Pool Clearing ASA,
phone +47 6710 8414