Mekonomen´s Nomination Committee

Mekonomen´s Nomination Committee

In accordance with the decision by the Annual General Meeting of Mekonomen on 
April 4, 2008, Mekonomen has established a nomination committee in order to
present proposals prior to the General Meeting on April 22, 2009 in regards to:

• The chairman of the General Meeting, 
• the number of Board members and deputy,
• the Chairman of the Board of Directors and other Board members,
• the fees for the Board of Directors and any remuneration for committee work, 
• and when applicable the election of auditors and fees for the auditors.

Mekonomen´s nomination committee for the 2008 Annual General Meeting consists of
Göran Ennerfelt, representing  the Axel Johnson AB group, Maj Charlotte Wallin,
representing AFA, Ing-Marie Fraim  Sefastsson representing own shares and 
Eva Fraim Påhlman, representing own shares. The nomination committee has
Göran Ennerfelt to serve as Chairman of the committee.  Mekonomn´s chairman of
the board, Fredrik Persson, is co-opted member of the nomination committee. 

Shareholders wishing to make proposals to the nomination committee can do so by 
e-mail to: or by mail to Mekonomen AB,
attn Hanna Ekstrand, 141 70 Segeltorp.

For further information, please contact: 
Fredrik Persson, chairman of the board of Mekonomen AB
+46 (0)8-701 60 00

Mekonomen AB (publ), org. nr 556392-1971 
Box 6077, 141 06 Kungens Kurva. 
Telefon: +46 (0)8-464 00 00, Fax: +46 (0)8-464 00 66

Mekonomen wants to make CarLife easier, by a broad and easily accessible
offering  of competitive and innovative solutions and products for consumers and
companies. Mekonomen is Scandinavia´s leading automative spare parts chain with
proprietary wholesale
operations, approximately 200 stores and more than 1 000 workshops under the
Mekonomen brand.

