PricewaterhouseCoopers' Survey Finds Financial Services Board Members Say They Can Do More to Avert Future Financial Turmoil

Current Financial Market Conditions the Primary Focus At 2008 PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Committee Forum

NEW YORK, Oct. 20, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Eighty percent of board members of U.S. financial services firms feel they could do more to reduce the chance of future industry instability, according to findings of a survey released today by PricewaterhouseCoopers' Financial Services Industry Group. However, the survey also revealed a desire for greater transparency to accurately measure exposure to risk.

The survey of more than 300 board members, two-thirds of whom sit on the audit committee of financial institutions, was taken between September 22 and October 4 and was completed at the 2008 PricewaterhouseCoopers Financial Services Audit Committee Forum, the industry's largest gathering of financial services audit committee members.

The leading topic of discussion at the Forum was the current market environment and what can be done to avoid future market turbulence. More than 95 percent of the board members asked said they believe greater clarity is required as it relates to what is and what is not reported on an organization's balance sheet, and 77 percent said existing valuation tools are not robust enough.

Among board members surveyed:

 * 65 percent of respondents feel that corporate boards lack the
   tools and transparency to properly assess risks and exposure.

 * 88 percent said the scope of risk management for financial
   institutions does not adequately account for their exposure to
   off-balance sheet entities.

 * Almost unanimously, 96 percent of board members said they think
   that financial institutions that retain risks to off-balance
   sheet entities should in the future publicly disclose aggregate
   information on a regular and timely basis, including the quantity
   and sensitivity to credit, market and liquidity risks and any
   changes to those risk exposures over time.

Due to the evolving market conditions, boards are reassessing their priorities and areas of focus to ensure their organizations are taking the necessary steps to be prepared for any additional near- and long-term market volatility. When asked to rank their four top priorities over the next twelve months, audit committee board members ranked them as follows (in order of importance):

 * Enterprise-wide risk management and buy-in from business lines
 * Systematic risk management across the industry
 * Transparency and financial reporting
 * Internal controls and tightened margin / collateral controls

When asked to describe the current financial crisis, 30 percent of respondents view the situation as a reminder of the need for more disciplined risk taking during periods of growth. Another 20 percent say it is a reflection of too much focus on the short-term (investing, reporting, compensation). Thirteen percent found the positive in the tumultuous economic climate and regard the situation as an opportunity that will eventually strengthen the financial services industry. Finally, one in four sees this as an example of the urgent need for modernization of the financial services regulatory framework to reflect today's global, integrated capital markets system.

Other key findings of the PricewaterhouseCoopers' survey include:

* Nearly two-thirds (65%) of financial services board members surveyed
  agree that mark-to-market accounting, also known as fair valuation,
  creates volatility in the markets.

* However, 83 percent disagreed with the statement that mark-to-market
  accounting is to blame for the current credit crisis.

* Sixty-three percent of board members agree that short-selling is a
  viable strategy that is critical to the liquidity and smooth,
  efficient operations of the equity and credit markets.

The greatest challenge to the financial services industry over the next 12 months will be regaining investor confidence, according to 41 percent of respondents. Nearly as many (36 percent), on the other hand, feel the greatest obstacle will be accessing capital. Other responses included responding to government intervention in the industry (15 percent) and layoffs (3 percent).

"As we continue to navigate these unpredictable market conditions, audit committees, now more than ever, need to have access to the information and tools necessary to do their jobs effectively," said James F. Flanagan, leader of the U.S. financial services industry practice of PricewaterhouseCoopers. "It is imperative to the future success of the industry that we continue to work even more collaboratively with our board members to ensure we are focused on the priorities at hand: To return to and maintain market stability."

The annual PricewaterhouseCoopers Financial Services Audit Committee Forum brings together audit committee members from across the financial services industry to discuss strategic issues and challenges, share best practices in governance and review important regulatory changes. Among attendees at this year's Forum were board members from banking and capital markets (35%), investment management/real estate (33%) and insurance (32%).

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