Invitation to UPM's press conference on the interim report for January-September 2008 on 28 October 2008

UPM-Kymmene Corporation   Investor News  28 October 2008  at 09:30              

UPM will publish its interim report for January-September 2008 on 28 October    
2008 at around 09:30 Finnish time (07:30 GMT, 02:30 EST). The report will be    
available on the company's website at after publishing.     

UPM's President and CEO Jussi Pesonen will present financial results for the    
period January-September 2008 in a press conference to be held at UPM Head      
Office in Helsinki (main entrance, Eteläesplanadi 2) on Tuesday, 28 October     
2008, at 14:00 Finnish time (12:00 GMT, 07:00 EST).                             

The joint press conference for media and financial analysts can be listened     
online at The on-demand version of audio cast is available 
online for three months.                                                        

A conference call for analysts and investors, hosted by UPM's President and CEO 
Jussi Pesonen, will take place on 28 October 2008, at 17:00 Finnish time (15:00 
GMT, 10:00 EST, please see dial-in details below).                              

Participants are registered by the operator before the start of the conference  
call. In order to ensure a timely conference start, please dial in 10 minutes   
before the conference start time.                                               

Dial-in numbers for conference call:                                            
Call title: UPM-Kymmene, Interim Review Q3 2008                                 
Access code: 68849755                                                           
International dial-in: +44 (0) 1452 555 566                                     
UK Free call: 0800 6940 257                                                     
UK Local call: 0844 493 3800                                                    
USA Free Call: 1866 966 9439                                                    

Dial-in numbers for replay, available until 3 November 2008:                    
Access code: 68849755#                                                          
International Dial In:  +44 (0) 1452 550 000                                    
UK Free Dial In:  0800 953 1533                                                 
UK Local Dial In:  0845 245 5205                                                
USA Free Dial In:  1866 247 4222                                                

UPM-Kymmene Corporation                                                         
Pirkko Harrela                                                                  
Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications                              

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd                                                         
Main media                                                                                                                          

UPM, Corporate Communications:                                                  
Media Desk tel. +358 40 588 3284