DGAP-CMS: UBS AG: Release according to Article 30e of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution

UBS AG / Third country release according to Article 30e Para. 1, No. 3 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act]


Release of a Post-admission Duties announcement according to Article 30e Para. 1 No. 3 WpHG

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 27 November 2008:

Submission of Items to be Placed on the Agenda

Based on Article 12 para. 1 of the UBS Articles of Association,
shareholders representing, individually or collectively, shares with
an aggregate par value of at least CHF 62,500 may request that individual
matters be placed on the agenda for consideration.

The Board of Directors invites shareholders qualifying for this
shareholders' right to submit their formulated proposals by

27 October 2008

to UBS AG, Secretariat of the Board of Directors, Bahnhof¬strasse 45,
CH-8098 Zurich. A statement from the depository bank, confirming the number
of shares held and the fact that the shares will be blocked until the date
of the Extraordinary General Meeting, must be attached.

For the Board of Directors
Peter Kurer, Chairman

Basel / Zurich, 21 October 2008

DGAP 21.10.2008 
Language:     English
Issuer:       UBS AG
              Bahnhofstrasse 45
              8001 Zürich
Internet:     www.ubs.com
End of News                                     DGAP News-Service