A Thought Provoking Collection of Essays on Philosophy and Physics -- New Book Reveals Profound Insights About Life's Biggest Questions

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Oct. 21, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Where do I come from? What is my purpose? Is there really a God? These are just some of the questions that author Steven L Griffing seeks to answer through fascinating Essays on Philosophy and Physics: 1983-1992.

It is in man's innate nature to wonder about his origins, his purpose on earth, and the existence of a higher power. This is a nature dating back to the cave man and is the fundamental tenant behind all the religions of the world. As the author explores these questions and more in Essays on Philosophy and Physics, he comes to some fundamental, yet surprising results. Learn truths about Man, God, and the universe. Discover new dimensions on death, the spirit of man, the symmetry of God and the interrelation of physics and life. It took the author more than thirty years to attain the answers to significant questions and now he shares the answers with the rest of the world!

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About the Author

Steven L. Griffing was born in Canberra, Australia, A.C.T. in 1956. He is a Caucasian male. His family moved to the United States when he was seven years old, so he has remained an American citizen all of his life. The author graduated from Oberlin College in 1979 with a major in mathematics. He went to the California State University at Los Angeles from 1981 to 1985, and received a state of California teaching credential in 1984. His current activities include reading, watching and video taping certain television shows, walking, nature, and the environment.

          Essays on Philosophy and Physics * by Steven L. Griffing
                                1983 - 1992
                    Publication Date: January 29, 2008
            Trade Paperback; $8.50; 99 pages; 978-1-4257-6359-6

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