EUR 150 million syndicated loan for Sponda

Sponda Plc	Stock Exchange Release 22 October 2008 at 16:20                    

EUR 150 million syndicated loan for Sponda                                      

Sponda Plc has signed an agreement for a three-year syndicated loan of EUR 150  
million. The loan is unsecured and it will be used to refinance the long-term   
loan portfolio and the bonds signed in November 2003. The margin on the loan    
arranged now is slightly higher than that on the bond it is replacing, but the  
change will not have a significant impact on Sponda's annual interest costs.    

The lead bank is Skandiska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) and the other participants 
in the syndicate are Danske Bank A/S, Helskinki Branch, Pohjola Bank, Ilmarinen 
Mutual Pension Insurance Company.                                               

Sponda will publish its interim report for the third quarter on 30 October 2008.

Sponda Plc                                                                      

Further information:                                                            
Kari Inkinen, President & CEO, tel. +358 400-402 653 and                        
Robert Öhman, CFO, tel. +358 40-540 0741                                        

Sponda Plc is a real estate company specializing in commercial properties in the
largest cities in Finland and in Russia. Sponda's business concept is to own,   
lease and develop office, retail and logistics properties into environments that
promote the business success of its clients. The fair value of Sponda's         
investment properties is approximately EUR 2.8 billion euros and the leasable   
area is around 1.4 million m².