Interim Report January-September 2008

Focuses operations in response to weakend market
* The turnover for the first nine months increased by 11% to SEK
  401.8 (362.7) million
* Results EBITDA for the first nine months was SEK 7.6 (4.7) million
* Results per share for the first nine months were SEK -0.64 (-0.12)
* The turnover for the third quarter increased by 2% to SEK 127.9
  (125.9) million
* Results EBITDA for the third quarter was SEK 3.8 (3.0) million
* Results per share for the third quarter was SEK -0.36 (-0.14)
* Cash-flow from the current business for the first nine months was
  SEK 52.0 (19.6) million
* ReadSoft has decided to focus its development resources on three
  product areas and to implement a savings program to cut down costs
  by SEK 40-45 million. The total non-recurring costs for these
  actions are estimated at SEK 20 million. SEK 10.8 million will be
  charged to the third quarter earnings and is write-downs for
  activated software development costs."ReadSoft's business operations did not develop as planned during
  the third quarter of 2008. The state of uncertain markets around
  the world has influenced customers' willingness to invest, and, in
  turn, growth and results were lower than expected. However,
  performance varied greatly from market to market. Sales in "USA and
  the rest of the world" increased by approximately 24 percent, while
  at the same time the large European markets displayed negative
  growth. Results in other geographic segments also varied

  Due to the decrease in growth and the turbulent economic situation,
  ReadSoft has decided to take measures in response to the weakened
  market. This includes postponing the development of one of our
  products and focusing development on three specific product areas:
  SAP, Oracle and Capture.
  Activity is now focused on our most successful areas, building a
  stable platform from which to meet the demands of a tougher

  Jan Andersson
  President and CEO

  For more information please contact:
  Jan Andersson, President and CEO
  Phone: +46 708-37 66 00
  Jonna Opitz, Vice President Corporate Communications
  Phone: +46 42-490 21 08 or +46 733-37 86 68
  Jan Bertilsson, CFO
  Phone: +46 42-490 21 43, e-mail:

  About ReadSoft
  ReadSoft is a  leading global  provider of  software solutions  for
  Document  Automation.  ReadSoft's  software  enables  companies  to
  automate document processes such as data entry, classification, ERP
  matching, workflows, e-invoicing  etc. The results  are faster  and
  less expensive document processing, and increased control. ReadSoft
  is by  far the  world's number  one choice  for invoice  automation
  solutions. Specialized solution labs for SAP, Oracle, Microsoft and
  Capture processes ensure cutting edge solutions with great customer
  value. Since the start in 1991,  ReadSoft has grown to a  worldwide
  group with  operations in  16 countries  on five  continents and  a
  network of local and global partners. The head office is located in
  Helsingborg, Sweden and the ReadSoft share is traded on the  Nasdaq
  OMX Nordic  Exchange Small  Cap list.  For more  information  about
  ReadSoft, please visit


The entire report in pdf.pdf