Kemira: Disclosure under Chapter 2 Section 9 of the Securities Market Act

Kemira Group
Stock exchange release
October 23, 2008, at 13.00 pm (CET+1)

Kemira Oyj has on 22 October received the following disclosure in
accordance with Chapter 2 Section 9 of the Securities Market Act
regarding Kemira Oyj's shares. The State of Finland and Solidium Oy
(Business ID 0866693-1) announce an arrangement that, if completed,
will lead to a situation in which the portions of holdings of the
State of Finland will decrease below and the portions of holdings of
Solidium Oy will increase above the thresholds as intended in Chapter
2, Section 9 of the Securities Markets Act in Kemira.

Kemira Oyj
Timo Leppä, Executive Vice President, Group Communications

For more information, please contact

Kemira Oyj
Jukka Hakkila, Group General Counsel
Mobile phone: +358 (0)40 544 2303

Kemira will be a focused company, the best in water and fiber
management chemistry.

In 2007, Kemira recorded revenue of approximately EUR 2.8 billion and
had a staff of 10,000. Kemira operates in 40 countries.



The State of Finland and Solidium Oy (Business ID 0866693-1) announce
an arrangement that, if completed, will lead to a situation in which
the portions of holdings of the State of Finland will decrease below
and the portions of holdings of Solidium Oy will increase above the
thresholds as intended in Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities
Markets Act in the companies mentioned below whose shares have beenaccepted for public trading.

On 21 October 2008, the Council of State decided to propose to the
Parliament that the state-owned equities in eight listed companies,
i.e. Kemira Oyj, Metso Corporation, Rautaruukki Corporation,
Outokumpu Oyj, Sampo plc, Sponda Plc, Stora Enso Oyj and TeliaSonera
AB (publ) be transferred to Solidium Oy, an entirely state-owned
company. According to current information, the State will transfer
its shares to Solidium Oy as a contribution in kind in compliance
with the Limited Liability Companies Act. The matter will be
submitted for parliamentary decision in connection with the 2008
supplementary budget, which the Council of State yesterday decided to
propose to the Parliament.

The arrangement will take place if the Parliament approves the
above-mentioned Council of State proposal and when the exemption
order granted by the Financial Supervision Authority to Solidium Oy
has come into legal effect. The Financial Supervision Authority has
granted Solidium Oy an exemption order from the obligation that would
otherwise arise, to make a public offer to purchase the shares in
Outokumpu Oyj, Rautaruukki Corporation and Sponda plc other than
those transferred in this context.

The shares transferred to Solidium Oy and the portions of holdings
they represent in the respective companies are as follows:

* Kemira Oyj 20,656,500 shares, portion of holdings 16.52%;

* Metso Corporation 15,695,287 shares, portion of holdings 11.07%;

* Outokumpu Oyj 56,440,597 shares, portion of holdings 31.11%;

* Rautaruukki Corporation 55,656,699 shares, portion of holdings

* Sampo plc 79,280,080 shares, portion of holdings 13.86%;

* Sponda Plc 38,065,498 shares, portion of holdings 34.28%;

* Stora Enso Oyj 97,079,438 shares, portion of holdings 12.30%;

* TeliaSonera AB (publ) 616,128,221 shares, portion of holdings

Helsinki, 22 October 2008

State of Finland, Solidium Oy
as represented by the Prime Minister's Office

Financial Supervision Authority
Kemira Oyj
Metso Corporation
Outokumpu Oyj
Rautaruukki Corporation
Sampo plc
Sponda Plc
Stora Enso Oyj
TeliaSonera AB (publ)


Link to the Release Pdf.pdf