East Capital notification on transaction (East Capital related to Board member Justas Pipinis)

|                                  2008-10-23                                  |
                    (Pranešimo data / Date of notification)                     

     Pranešimas apie vadovo sandorį(-ius) dėl emitento vertybinių popierių      
  Notification on the transaction(-s) in issuer's securities concluded by the   
                             manager of the issuer                              

|          Justas Pipinis, valdybos narys / member of the Board; a.k.          |
 (pranešėjo vardas, pavardė, asmens kodas, pareigos arba Bendrovės vadovas, su  
  kuriuo pranešėjas susijęs / name, surname, personal code and capacity of the  
 notifying person, or the manager of the issuer, with whom the notifying person 
                             is closely associated)                             

|         TEO LT, AB, 1212 15434, Savanorių pr. 28, LT-03501 Vilnius           |
 (Bendrovės pavadinimas, įmonės kodas, buveinės adresas / name and code of the  
                     issuer, its registered office address)                     

| VP   | VP   | VP    | VP     | VP    | Sando | Sando | Sando | Atsis | Asmen |
| pava | skai | kaina | sandor | įgiji | rio   | rio   | rio   | kai-t | s     |
| -din | čius | , LTL | io     | mas   | rūšis | sudar | vieta | ymo   | kateg |
| imas | /    | /     | vertė, | ar    | * /   | ymo   | ** /  | forma | o-rij |
| ,    | Numb | Price | LTL /  | perle | Type  | data  | Place | /     | a***  |
| klas | er   | of    | Total  | idi-m | of    | /     | of    | Form  | /     |
| ė,   | of   | secur | value  | as /  | trans | Date  | the   | of    | Categ |
| ISIN | secu | ities | of     | Form  | actio | of    | trans | settl | ory   |
| koda | riti | , LTL | transa | of    | n*    | concl | actio | ement | of    |
| s /  | es   |       | ction, | trans |       | usion | n **  |       | the   |
| Name |      |       | LTL    | actio |       | of    |       |       | perso |
| and  |      |       |        | n     |       | the   |       |       | n     |
| clas |      |       |        | (acqu |       | trans |       |       |       |
| s of |      |       |        | isiti |       | actio |       |       |       |
| the  |      |       |        | on or |       | n     |       |       |       |
| secu |      |       |        | trans |       |       |       |       |       |
| rity |      |       |        | fer)  |       |       |       |       |       |
| ,    |      |       |        |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| ISIN |      |       |        |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| code |      |       |        |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| TEO  | 192  | 1.65  |  316   | Perle | Pirki | 2008- |  TS   | Pinig |  2.4  |
| LT,  | 100  |       |  965   | idima | mas-p | 10-22 |       |  ai/  |       |
|  AB  |      |       |        | s/dis | arda  |       |       | cash  |       |
| PVA  |      |       |        | posal | vimas |       |       |       |       |
| /ORS |      |       |        |       | /sale |       |       |       |       |
| LT00 |      |       |        |       | s-pur |       |       |       |       |
| 0012 |      |       |        |       | chase |       |       |       |       |
| 3911 |      |       |        |       |       |       |       |       |       |

					Pranešėjas / Notifying person:                                             

| East Capital Asset Management AB                                             |
                         (vardas, pavardė / name, surname)	(parašas / signature)
					ir (arba) vertybinių popierių apskaitą tvarkantis asmuo /                  
					and (or) person responsible for the securities accounting:                 

| Moa Långbergs                                                                |
                        (vardas, pavardė / name, surname) 	(parašas / signature)

* (pirkimas-pardavimas, mainai, dovanojimas, paveldėjimas, atsiskaitymas už     
įsiskolinimą, atpirkimo sandoris, VP skolinimas ir kt.) / (sale-purchase, swap, 
gift, inheritance, settlement for the debt, buy-back deal, lending of           

** AUTO - automatinio įvykdymo sandoris centrinėje rinkoje / automated          
transaction of central market;                                                  
TS - reguliuojamoje rinkoje sudarytas tiesioginis sandoris / direct transaction 
concluded on regulated market;                                                  
XOFF - už reguliuojamos rinkos ribų sudarytas sandoris / transaction concluded  
not on regulated market.                                                        
*** Pildant formos skiltį „Asmens kategorija“, reikia nurodyti skaičių,         
identifikuojantį asmenį /                                                       
Filling in column ‘Category of the person‘, please indicate number that         
identifies the person.                                                          
1. Emitento vadovas / manager of the issuer:                                    
1.1. bendrovės vadovas / manager of the company;                                
1.2. valdybos narys / member of the Board;                                      
1.3. stebėtojų tarybos narys / member of the Supervisory Board;                 
1.4. kitas darbuotojas / other employee.                                        
2. Su emitento vadovu glaudžiai susijęs asmuo / Person closely associated with  
the manager of the issuer:                                                      
2.1. sutuoktinis, sugyventinis / spouse, partner;                               
2.2. vaikas, įvaikis / child, adoptee;                                          
2.3. giminaitis / relative;                                                     
2.4. juridinis asmuo / legal person.


2008 10 23_justas pipinis_east capital.pdf