Nykredit Bank issues bonds under EMTN Programme

On 21 October 2008 Nykredit Bank A/S issued a new DKK-denominated floating rate
bond under its EMTN Programme. 

The bonds were issued at par and will be redeemed at par at maturity on 30
September 2010. 

The bonds will be admitted to trading on the OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen as
from 24 October 2008. The ISIN of the bonds is DK0030117205. 

The base prospectus has been published through the Luxembourg Stock Exchange
(www.bourse.lu), and the Final Terms of the issue will be published through the
OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen (www.omxnordicexchange.com). 

Please address any inquiries relating to the bond issue to Nykredit Bank A/S,
Kalvebod Brygge 1-3, DK-1780 Copenhagen V, tel +45 44 55 12 90. 

Yours sincerely

Nykredit Bank A/S


final terms 20-10-08.pdf