Hakon Invest participates in annual CDP survey

In the CDP's annual survey of how stock market-listed companies deal
with the climate issue, Hakon Invest received a shared sixth-place
ranking among Nordic companies. A total of 110 companies in the
Nordic region participated in the survey.

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) has ranked listed companies
globally based on accounting practices for carbon dioxide emissions.
The Nordic survey, which has been carried out for the second year in
a row, is based on a number of questions concerning climate change.
In all, 110 companies responded to the questionnaire, and of these,
Hakon Invest - through ICA's environmental work - received a sixth
place ranking together with four other companies. Hakon Invest's
responses to the questionnaire pertain only to ICA's operations.

One of the ICA Group's overarching strategies is to contribute to
positive, sustainable development in society. A key target is to cut
the ICA Group's known climate impact by 30% by 2020, compared with
2006. In line with this target, active work is being conducted in all
parts of ICA. For more information about ICA's sustainability
initiatives, visit www.ica.se."We are convinced that work with sustainable development is a
prerequisite for ICA's long-term development," says Kerstin Lindvall,
head of Environmental Affairs and Social Responsibility at ICA."Working actively on climate issues is part of this and one of the
major challenges we face. That is what makes it particularly
gratifying to receive confirmation that our work is heading in the
right direction."

Hakon Invest serves in the role as owner of environmental and
socially sustainable strategies that meet consumers' expectations.

Carin Wahlén, General Counsel and the person responsible for
sustainability initiatives at Hakon Invest, comments: "Our view is
that diligent sustainability work is necessary for retail companies
to be able to win and keep consumer confidence. We actively support
ICA in this endeavor."

For more information, contact:

Kerstin Lindvall
Head of Environmental Affairs and Social Responsibility, ICA AB
tel. +46-8-561 502 90

Carin Wahlén
General Counsel, Hakon Invest
tel. +46-8-55 33 9907

Hakon Invest, which is listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange in
Stockholm, conducts active and long-term investment operations in
retail-oriented companies in the Nordic region. Hakon Invest owns 40%
of ICA AB, the Nordic region's leading retail company with a focus on
food. The portfolio also includes shares in Forma Publishing Group,
Kjell & Company, Hemma, Cervera, inkClub and Hemtex. Further
information about Hakon Invest is available at www.hakoninvest.se.


Press release pdf.pdf