Griffin III Berlin, transfer to the observation list

Griffin III Berlin A/S - transfer to the observation list

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen has transferred the below company to the observation list

ISIN	Name 
DK0060052843	Griffin III Berlin B

Griffin III Berlin has been transferred due to the fact that Tower Group has
announced that they have decided to investigate the possibilities for
additional consolidation of the real estate companies, which currently own real
estate in Germany. Tower Group has established an investigative council
consisting of the chairman of the board for Griffin III Berlin A/S, Henrik
Frisch, and the chairman of the board for Tower Group A/S, Jens Erik

For further information, please see the announcements from Tower Group and
Griffin III Berlin of 22 October 2008. 

For further information, please contact: Knut-Erik Regnell, Surveillance, tel.
+45 33 93 33 66


griffin iii berlin - overfrsel uk.pdf