Information disclosed at CEO Meets Investor

During the Conference CEO Meets Investor held in Riga on October 22, 2008, the
following previously unpublished information was disclosed. 

Additional investments into marketing that were made in 2008 are starting to
show some returns. Generally in key markets the sales during 9 months of 2008
are close to those of full year of 2007. 

Since the start of the share price decline number of potential strategic
investors have been contacting Olainfarm with various cooperation proposals,
indluding the proposals to purchase the company, however, so far such proopsals
are being rejected by the company and its major shareholders. 

Information prepared by
Salvis Lapins
JSC "Olainfarm"
Deputy CFO
tel. +371 6 7013717, + 371  2 6448873
fax. + 371 6 7013777