Catena's income from property management continues to increase

• Rental revenue during the period totaled SEK 140.4 M (133.7 in corresponding
period a year earlier).

• Income from property management amounted to SEK 64.6 M (54.8), or SEK 5.59 per
share (4.74).

• Profit before tax for the period was SEK 3.3 M (226.6). 

• Profit after tax for the period amounted to SEK 6.0 M (178.2), or SEK 0.52 per
share (15.41).

• Realized change in value included in profit before tax amounted to SEK 4.3 M

• Unrealized change in value included in profit before tax amounted to SEK -65.6
M (134.1)

• Investments in existing portfolio amounted to SEK 98 M during the period.

• Acquisition of land was carried out totally SEK 8 M.

Peter Hallgren, President and CEO:

- Catena's income from property management improved and increased 17 percent
compared with the year-earlier period and amounted to SEK 64.6 M. Rental
revenues for Catena also continued to rise. The increase was 5 percent compared
with a year earlier.

- During the third quarter, the trend toward higher yield requirements and thus
lower property values continued. At the same time, our investments in existing
properties positively impacted property values, limiting the negative impact on
pre-tax income.

- Catena is well equipped to handle a continued market decline, with its low
loan-to-value ratio (50 percent), high interest coverage ratio (2.5 times) and
long leases (9.5 years on average).

For information, please contact Peter Hallgren, President and CEO, tel
+46-31-760 09 32, or Rune Jonsson, CFO, tel +46-31-760 09 35

N.B. This is a translation from Swedish. The Swedish version shall always take

The Interim Report can be downloaded from

This information is such that Catena AB (publ) must release it publicly in
accordance with the Swedish Securities and Clearing Operations Act and/or the
Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was released to the public on
 October 23, 2008 at 08.15 a.m.

Catena shall own, effectively manage and actively develop commercial real estate
in prime locations that offers the potential to generate steadily growing cash
flow and favorable value growth. Catena's overriding objective is to provide
shareholders with a favorable, long-term total return by being one of the
leading players involved in commercial real estate in a number of strategic

