Discovering the Face of Evil in The Devil's Kiss -- A New Book Packed With Suspense, Action and Adventure

LEESBURG, Va., Oct. 23, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Out of sight and unknown to most of us, there is a dark side to every day life inhabited by evil forces that seek to carve out areas of influence in which they can work their will. Governments around the globe plot and move to conquer and subdue their weaker neighbors; powerful drug lords hold millions hostage and impose ritual murder on those who stand in their way, and the manipulation of government officials through bribery and blackmail by unscrupulous power brokers goes largely unchecked. To detail one facet of the battle against those forces and provide heart pumping suspense and adventure, Xlibris introduces Jack Wilson's new novel, The Devil's Kiss.

Following two years' fighting to deny the Soviets full control of Afghanistan, Cortland Jamison, a member of CIA's elite ZODIAC Strike Team, returns to the U.S. As a member of the ZODIAC team, he will have completed a series of highly sensitive operations in Eastern Europe and Africa when an opportunity arises to penetrate and destroy a major Colombian drug cartel. Initially successful in establishing his bona fides, Jamison's cover is soon "blown" and he is threatened with a horrific death at the hands of the drug lord's vicious bodyguard.

This multi-layered story includes at its core the U.S. President, his wife, and his closest advisor. A significant role is also played by four Missouri bothers who become partners with the Colombian cartel and use blackmail and muscle to co-opt local and national officials.

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About the Author

The author is a former CIA operative who has spent most of his professional career in the international arena from the last days of the Algerian struggle for independence to a three year effort to strengthen private businesses in Eastern Europe. He was in Saudi Arabia for four years with a major brokerage house and fulfilled assignments with other firms for lesser periods across Africa and Latin America. During the Korean conflict, he was a radar operator in a naval patrol squadron in the Pacific. He holds a Masters Degree in International Affairs from Columbia University, and played professional baseball before joining the Navy.

                  The Devil's Kiss * by Jack Wilson
                               A Novel
                     Publication Date: 10/07/2008
        Trade Paperback; $19.99; 323 pages; 978-1-4363-1921-8
        Cloth Hardback; $29.99x; 323 pages; 978-1-4363-1922-5

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