The UCITS fund Egns-Invest, matching halts

It has been decided to place matching halts on the sub-funds below.

ISIN		Sub-fund		
DK0010086339      Korte Obl.
DK0010282193      Korte Oblg Pension og Erhverv
DK0015942304      Obligationer
DK0010282276      Obligationer Pens. & Erhverv
DK0016302102      Lange Obligationer
DK0016302292      Lange Obl Pension og Erhverv
DK0015942221      Indeksobligationer
DK0016065816      Sundhed                                  
DK0010304856      Emerging Østeuropa                       
DK0060040400      Obligationer Højrentelande

The matching halts are placed with immediate effect and until further notice. 

Please see today's disclosure from Egns-Invest.

For further information please contact:  Helene Gaustad Jeppesen, Surveillance,
(+45)33 93 33 66