The UCITS fund Sparinvest, matching halts

It has been decided to place matching halts on the sub-funds below.

ISIN               Sub-fund                                          Orderbook
DK0015762322       Sparinvest Korte Obligationer                     SPIKOB
DK0015946057       Sparinvest Lange Obligationer                     SPILOB
DK0010014695       Sparinvest Danske Obligationer                    SPIDOB
DK0060105203       Sparinvest Korte Obligationer Pension og Erhverv  SPIKOBPE
DK0060105393       Sparinvest Lange Obligationer Pension og Erhverv  SPILOBPE
DK0060105476       Sparinvest Danske Obligationer Pension og Erhverv SPIDOBPE

The matching halts are placed with immediate effect and until further notice. 

Please see today's disclosure from Spar Invest.

For further information please contact:  Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, phone
(+45)33 93 33 66