The UCITS fund EgnsInvest, matching halts lifted

Matching halts in the following sub-funds under EgnsInvest are lifted.

Sub-fund:                                    Order-book code    ISIN
EGNS-INVEST Korte Obl.	                  EIIKO              DK0010086339
EGNS-INVEST Korte Oblg Pension og Erv.	EIIKOPE	         DK0010282193
EGNS-INVEST Obligationer	                  EIIOBL	         DK0015942304
EGNS-INVEST Obligationer Pens. & Erhverv	EIIOPE	         DK0010282276
EGNS-INVEST Lange Obligationer	         EIILOB	         DK0016302102
EGNS-INVEST Lange Obl Pension og Erhverv	EIILOPE	         DK0016302292
EGNS-INVEST Indeksobligationer	         EIIIOB	         DK0015942221
EGNS-INVEST Obligationer Højrentelande	EIIOBLHOJ         DK0060040400
EGNS-INVEST Emerging Østen	                  EIIEOEST	         DK0010304856
EGNS-INVEST Østen	                           EIIES	         DK0010237213

Please see today's disclosure from EgnsInvest.

For further information please contact: Helene Gaustad Jeppesen, Surveillance,
phone (+45)33 93 33 66