Hedegaard A/S - deletion

|                                      |           Copenhagen, 29 October 2008 |
Hedegaard A/S - deletion                                                        

Hedegaard A/S will be deleted from NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen with effect from 25    
November 2008.                                                                  

Thus, the last day of trading is 24 November 2008.                              

For further information, please see announcements published by Hedegaard, e.g.  
announcement of 27 October 2008. Hence it follows that Dan Agro Holding A/S has 
decided to start compulsary redemption on 28 October 2008 of the remaining      
shares in Hedegaard A/S.                                                        

| ISIN:                              | DK0010206929                            |
| Name:                              | Hedegaard                               |
| Listed capital (of DKK 100):       | 906,480 shares (DKK 90,648,000)         |
| CBR No.:                           | 34 72 87 12                             |
| GICS:                              | 30202010                                |
| Short name:                        | HEDE                                    |

For further information, please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 
93 33 66


hedegaard - sletning - uk.pdf