Take a Moment to View Life in a Rear View Mirror -- New Memoir Gives Readers a Fascinating Glimpse Into the Life of a Military Man

SAMMAMISH, Wash., Oct. 29, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- When was the last time you looked back at your life and thought about the events that happened? Author Douglas E.S. Horne shares his Life in a Rear View Mirror through an insightful memoir that gives readers an intriguing glimpse into the life of a military man.

Life in a Rear View Mirror begins with a cryptic and purposefully humorous review of the author's life - a life transformed by the forces of war and death. After perilous training, and a short peacetime service, Horne is sent to battle in Southeast Asia where they had to contend with guerilla warfare. It recounts the horrors of war - interspersed with some gallows humor - about fighting in an international conflict without definitive guidelines and lacking the total support of the government. Horne's post-war assignments include jobs with foreign nations and a brief stint with the CIA, which concludes his military career. His story culminates in a new war - retirement - and the pitfalls it holds for ex-military personnel.

This book is now available for your reading pleasure. To get a copy of this fascinating read, just visit a local book retailer near you. You may also purchase a copy online at Xlibris.com. Buy a copy now and view Life in a Rear View Mirror.

About the Author

Douglas E.S. Horne, born into a Scottish family of Clan Sutherland, was a seventh generation piper who played with the Seattle Bagpipe Band. Drafted into the military in 1953, he rose to the rank of Colonel and spent over thirty-five years in military service. He was a graduate of Seattle Pacific College and received his Masters Degree from the University of Oklahoma. His military qualifications include Airborne, Ranger, Special Forces Training and he was a Latin America Foreign Area Specialist. His overseas service includes Iceland, Nicaragua, Spain, Belgium, Thailand, multiple tours in Vietnam and short mission specific assignments to other parts of the world. The author and his wife, Meredith, live in the state of Washington near their three daughters.

         Life in a Rear View Mirror * by Douglas E.S. Horne
                          Memoirs of a Soldier
                   Publication Date: January 4, 2008
        Trade Paperback; $19.99; 312 pages; 978-1-4363-0530-3
         Cloth Hardback; $29.99; 312 pages; 978-1-4363-0531-0

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