Tidelands Bancshares Announces Third Quarter Results

MT. PLEASANT, S.C., Oct. 29, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tidelands Bancshares, Inc. (Nasdaq:TDBK), holding company for Tidelands Bank, announced year-to-date and quarter-to-date results for the periods ended September 30, 2008. "In my 35 years of banking experience, this is the most difficult and unique time that I have ever seen," said President and Chief Executive Officer, Robert E. Coffee, Jr. "During the third quarter, the economic environment that all financial institutions are operating in has changed significantly. Despite these uncertain conditions in the market, we continue to successfully execute our strategic goal to increase our retail presence as demonstrated in the opening of our seventh branch, located in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina and the resulting loan and deposit growth in our markets."

We recorded a net loss of $2.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2008 as compared to a net profit of approximately $175,000 for the period ended September 30, 2007. In comparison to our previous year's third quarter results, the decrease in earnings was primarily driven by the pre-tax impairment charge of $4.6 million related to the government placing the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation into conservatorship. Our loss amounted to $0.72 per share on both a basic and diluted basis for the nine months ended September 30, 2008. We also incurred additional operating costs in connection with our new branches. Although our branches are assisting us in attaining our retail deposit and loan growth projections, the current retail deposit rate environment and the expenses associated with the new branches have also had a dampening effect on our earnings. For the period ended September 30, 2008, our net interest margin was 2.64% compared to 3.14% at September 30, 2007.

After our net loss for the quarter, ending September 30, 2008, Tidelands Bank remains "well-capitalized" as defined by bank regulators, which is the highest bank capital classification. The Company's total shareholders' equity was $37.9 million with book value at $8.86 per share at quarter end.

Despite the significant issues in the mortgage and credit markets, Tidelands Bank continues to experience strong loan growth. For the period ending September 30, 2008, loans year-to-date grew $65.4 million to $456.7 million with assets increasing $155.9 million to reach $668.1 million at quarter end. We do not have direct exposure to the sub-prime lending practices that led to many of the problems in the financial industry. Since our inception, we have adhered to strict internal and regulatory guidelines with regards to our credit underwriting standards. Tidelands Bank has always maintained a conservative approach to banking as we focus on providing credit and deposit products for proven customer relationships. Although our credit-related issues increased in comparison to previous periods, we are working to resolve each situation. At September 30, 2008, non-accrual loans amounted to $4.6 million, or 1.0% of total gross loans. The balance of other real estate owned at September 30, 2008 was approximately $965,000. At September 30, 2008, our ratios of nonperforming assets to total assets of 0.83% and net charge-offs to average loans of 0.14% continue to compare favorably to the industry. Our provision for loan losses for the nine months ended September 30, 2008 totaled $1.5 million, reflecting loan growth experienced year-to-date and net charge-offs of $608,000. At September 30, 2008, the allowance for loan losses amounted to 1.10% of total loans.

During the third quarter, Tidelands generated significant increases in retail deposits through its seven full-service branch locations. As a result, our ratio of wholesale deposits to total deposits has decreased from 58.4% at December 31, 2007 to 48.0% at September 30, 2008. We anticipate this trend will continue with the maturation of our retail branch offices. At quarter end September 30, 2008, the bank had generated year-to-date growth of $113.6 million in customer time deposits and $41.8 million in interest checking deposits.

We believe it is imperative to remain diligent in our day to day activities and focus on the strong banking culture that our management team has so proudly built.


Certain statements in this news release contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as statements relating to future plans and expectations, and are thus prospective. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties, and other factors, such as a downturn in the economy, greater than expected noninterest expenses, volatile credit and financial markets, potential deterioration in real estate values, regulatory changes and excessive loan losses, which could cause actual results to differ materially from future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. For a more detailed description of certain factors, many of which are beyond our control, that could cause or contribute to our actual results differing materially from future results expressed or implied by our forward-looking statements, please see our Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 2007, and our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Although we believe that the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements are reasonable, any of the assumptions could prove to be inaccurate. Therefore, we can give no assurance that the results contemplated in the forward-looking statements will be realized. The inclusion of this forward-looking information should not be construed as a representation by our company or any person that future events, plans, or expectations contemplated by our company will be achieved. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.


Our summary consolidated financial data as of and for the quarter ended September 30, 2008 are unaudited but, in the opinion of our management, contain all adjustments (consisting of only normal recurring adjustments) necessary to present fairly our financial position and results of operations for such periods in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

                Tidelands Bancshares, Inc. and Subsidiary
                 Consolidated Statements of Operations

                      Nine Months Ended         Three Months Ended
                         September 30,             September 30,
                   ------------------------  ------------------------
                       2008         2007         2008         2007
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
 Interest income:
  Loans, including
   fees            $20,688,346  $20,337,589  $ 6,904,730  $ 7,354,042
  Securities avail-
   able for sale, 
   taxable           4,551,700    1,525,428    2,070,109      557,386
   available for 
   sale, non-
   taxable             220,165      300,873       70,679      141,781
  Federal funds 
   sold                246,339      614,359       58,463      182,233
  Other interest 
   income                3,933       12,202        2,019        8,056
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
    Total interest 
     income         25,710,483   22,790,451    9,106,000    8,243,498
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
 Interest expense:
  Time deposits 
   $100,000 and 
   over              1,726,493      267,089      774,579       81,364
  Other deposits    10,459,295   11,780,286    3,205,458    4,436,821
  Other borrowings   2,592,080    1,640,037    1,088,197      585,582
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
    Total interest 
     expense        14,777,868   13,687,412    5,068,234    5,103,767
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
 Net interest 
  income            10,932,615    9,103,039    4,037,766    3,139,731
  Provision for 
   loan losses       1,473,000    1,025,000      696,000           --
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
 Net interest 
  income after     
  provision for 
  loan losses        9,459,615    8,078,039    3,341,766    3,139,731
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
  income (loss):
  Service charges 
   on deposit 
   accounts             26,917       26,882        8,605        9,806
   mortgage orig-
   ination income      361,896      664,768       81,768      221,784
   Gain on sale of 
    available for  
    sale               505,585        5,558      473,431        2,694
  Gain (loss) on 
   sale of real 
   estate               10,979           --      (12,372)          --
  Other service 
   fees and 
   commissions         276,454      138,860      126,519       53,846
  Bank owned life 
   insurance           355,299      216,655      129,069       73,195
  Impairment on 
   available for 
   sale             (4,596,200)          --   (4,596,200)          --
  Other                 23,357       14,062        8,571        5,430
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
     income (loss)  (3,035,713)   1,066,785   (3,780,609)     366,755
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
  Salaries and 
   benefits          6,220,329    5,137,237    1,815,989    1,929,775
  Net occupancy      1,033,430      715,605      373,646      335,267
  Furniture and 
   equipment           526,868      330,417      192,769      155,733
  Other operating    3,349,675    2,679,599    1,069,874    1,010,843
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
     expense        11,130,302    8,862,858    3,452,278    3,431,618
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
 Income (loss) 
  before income 
  taxes             (4,706,400)     281,966   (3,891,121)      74,868
 Income tax 
  expense (benefit) (1,803,708)     107,000   (1,453,228)      28,000
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
 Net income (loss) $(2,902,692) $   174,966  $(2,437,893) $    46,868
                   ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========
 Earnings (loss) 
  per common share
 Basic earnings 
  (loss) per share $     (0.72) $      0.04  $     (0.60) $      0.01
                   ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========
 Diluted earnings 
  (loss) per share $     (0.72) $      0.04  $     (0.60) $      0.01
                   ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========
 Weighted average 
  common shares 
 Basic               4,052,354    4,275,215    4,044,186    4,276,686
                   ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========
 Diluted             4,058,681    4,275,215    4,044,186    4,276,686
                   ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========

              Tidelands Bancshares, Inc. and Subsidiary
                      Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                            September 30, December 31,
                                                2008          2007
                                            ------------  ------------
 Assets:                                     (Unaudited)    (Audited)
  Cash and cash equivalents:
   Cash and due from banks
                                            $  6,457,553  $    724,957
   Federal funds sold                          4,250,000     1,945,000
                                            ------------  ------------

    Total cash and cash equivalents           10,707,553     2,669,957
                                            ------------  ------------

  Securities available for sale              159,853,129    88,036,109
  Nonmarketable equity securities              3,807,140     2,060,940
                                            ------------  ------------

    Total securities                         163,660,269    90,097,049
                                            ------------  ------------

  Mortgage loans held for sale                   346,392     1,426,800

  Loans receivable                           456,747,003   391,349,869
   Less allowance for loan losses              5,023,538     4,158,324
                                            ------------  ------------

    Loans, net                               451,723,465   387,191,545
                                            ------------  ------------

  Premises, furniture and equipment, net      19,516,323    17,759,388
  Accrued interest receivable                  2,802,478     3,164,124
  Bank owned life insurance                   13,206,116     7,849,156
  Other assets                                 6,172,817     2,111,572
                                            ------------  ------------

    Total assets                            $668,135,413  $512,269,591
                                            ============  ============

    transaction accounts                    $ 13,651,973  $ 10,191,152
   Interest-bearing transaction accounts      50,230,612     8,460,166
   Savings and money market                  161,842,300   199,833,835
   Time deposits $100,000 and over            80,133,243    29,876,086
   Other time deposits                       212,478,685   139,808,202
                                            ------------  ------------

    Total deposits                           518,336,813   388,169,441
                                            ------------  ------------

  Securities sold under
   agreements to repurchase                   30,000,000    41,040,000
  Junior subordinated debentures              14,434,000     8,248,000
  Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank        60,800,000    29,000,000
  ESOP borrowings                              2,675,000     2,427,500
  Other borrowings                               616,046            --
  Accrued interest payable                     1,915,169     1,341,161
  Other liabilities                            1,483,400     1,088,319
                                            ------------  ------------

    Total liabilities                        630,260,428   471,314,421
                                            ------------  ------------

 Commitments and contingencies                        --            --

 Shareholders' equity:
  Preferred stock, $.01 par value,
   10,000,000 shares authorized,
   none issued                                        --            --
  Common stock, $.01 par value,
   10,000,000 shares authorized; 4,277,176
   and 4,277,176 shares issued and
   outstanding at September 30, 2008 and
   December 31, 2007, respectively                42,772        42,772
  Unearned ESOP shares                        (2,642,415)   (2,427,500)
  Capital surplus                             43,265,240    42,788,666
  Retained earnings (deficit)                 (2,853,528)       49,164
  Accumulated other comprehensive
   income (loss)                                  62,916       502,068
                                            ------------  ------------

    Total shareholders' equity                37,874,985    40,955,170
                                            ------------  ------------

    Total liabilities and
     shareholders' equity                   $668,135,413  $512,269,591
                                            ============  ============

            Tidelands Bancshares, Inc. and Subsidiary

 Per Share Data:             Nine Months Ended     Three Months Ended
                                September 30,         September 30,
                            --------------------  --------------------
                              2008        2007      2008        2007
                              ----        ----      ----        ----
  Net income, basic            $(0.72)     $0.04     $(0.60)     $0.01
  Net income, diluted          $(0.72)     $0.04     $(0.60)     $0.01
  Book value                    $8.86      $9.88     $ 8.86      $9.88
  Weighted average number
   of shares outstanding:
   Basic                    4,052,354  4,275,215  4,044,186  4,276,686
   Diluted                  4,058,681  4,275,215  4,044,186  4,276,686

 Performance Ratios:
  Return on
   average assets (1)          (0.66%)      0.06%     (1.49%)     0.04%
  Return on
   average equity (1)          (9.71%)      0.56%    (25.21%)     0.46%
  Net interest
   margin (1)                   2.64%       3.14%      2.63%      2.96%

                                                   At September 30,
 Asset Quality Data:                              2008          2007
                                               -----------   ---------
  Loans 90 days or more past due and
   still accruing interest                     $        --   $      --
  Loans restructured or otherwise impaired(4)           --          --
  Nonaccrual loans                               4,580,548     501,094
  Loan charge-offs year to date,
   net recoveries                                  607,786     222,106
  Other real estate owned                          965,049          --

  Nonperforming loans to total loans (3)              1.00%       0.14%
  Nonperforming assets to total assets(3)             0.83%       0.11%
  Net charge-offs year to date
   to average total loans(2)                          0.14%       0.07%
  Allowance for loan losses
   to nonperforming loans                           109.67%     852.11%
  Allowance for loan losses to total loans (2)        1.10%       1.18%

 Capital Ratios:
  Period end tangible equity
   to tangible assets                                 5.67%       8.92%
  Leverage ratio                                      6.47%      10.93%
  Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio                     8.66%      12.68%
  Total risk-based capital ratio                     10.53%      13.78%

 Growth Rates and Other Data:
  Percentage change in assets(1)                     40.64%      54.49%
  Percentage change in loans(1) (2)                  22.32%      43.29%
  Percentage change in deposits(1)                   44.79%      57.86%
  Loans to deposit ratio (2)                         88.12%      97.42%
  1 - Annualized for the nine and three month periods, respectively.
  2 - Includes nonperforming loans.
  3 - Nonperforming assets include nonaccrual loans, loans 90 days or
      more past due and still accruing interest, loans restructured or
      otherwise impaired, and other real estate owned
  4 - Loans restructured or otherwise impaired do not
      include nonaccrual loans.


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