Draft Resolutions to the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting to be held on 11/11/2008

The Board of Šiaulių Bankas AB has approved the draft resolutions to be         
submitted to the General Shareholders' Meeting to be held on 11/11/2008.        
Regarding the increase of the authorized capital by additional contributions:   
1) To increase the Bank‘s authorized capital by LTL 20.000.000 order to         
strengthen the bank‘s capital base. To issue 20.000.000 ordinary registered     
shares of LTL 1 nominal value and to disseminate them at not less then LTL 1    
share issue price;                                                              
2) To disseminate the shares of the share issue in two stages:                  
- during the first 15 business day stage - in proportion to the number of shares
owned by the shareholders on the day of accounting rights;                      
- during the second15 business day stage (shares remaining after the first      
stage) - according to the shareholders‘ applications - in proportion to the     
number of shares owned by the shareholders on the day of accounting rights and  
according to requested number of shares;                                        
3) To assign the Bank's Board:                                                  
- to set and to announce the beginning of share issue dissemination publicly not
later then 5 business days prior to it,                                         
- to set a share issue price, which could be up to 15 per cent lower than       
arithmetic average of the last transaction price on Vilnius Stock Exchange,     
calculated according to the data of 22 sessions in turn (inclusive up to the    
day, on which the beginning of share issue is announced), however not less than 
LTL 1,                                                                          
- to confirm the order of share dissemination and payment, to provide it in the 
share prospectus and to announce publicly the prospectus after it is confirmed  
by the Securities Commission.                                                   

Regarding amendments of the Bank‘s Charter:                                     
1) In case all shares issued to increase bank authorized capital by additional  
contributions were disseminated during the period assigned for the dissemination
to amend the section 3.5 of the Bank‘s Charter and to set it as follows:        
„3.5 The Bank's authorized capital is a sum of nominal values of the total      
registered shares. The Bank's authorized capital is 200.357.533 (two hundred    
million three hundred fifty-seven thousand five hundred thirty-three) litas. It 
is divided into 200.357.533 (two hundred million three hundred fifty-seven      
thousand five hundred thirty-three) ordinary registered shares. Nominal value   
per share is 1 (one) litas.”                                                    
2) In case not all the shares were disseminated during period assigned for share
dissemination, to consider that authorized capital is increased by the sum of   
nominal values of the subscribed shares and assign the Bank‘s Board to amend the
section 3.5 of the  Bank‘s Charter accordingly.                                 
3) To authorize the Chairman of the Bank's Board Algirdas Butkus to sign the    
amended Charter.                                                                

Director of treasury department
Pranas Gedgaudas
Tel.: +370 41 595653