Information in relation to Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting

At Exista's Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting today at 1pm, Lýdur Gudmundsson,
Executive Chairman, will discuss the present situation and outlook for Exista. 

At the end of Q3 2008 Exista's financial position was sound with book value of
equity of around EUR 2 billion. Exista's operating environment has been
extremely turbulent since 6 October 2008, when trading in the Company's shares
was suspended temporarily. Exista's position is affected profoundly by the
current problems in the Icelandic financial system and the Government takeover
of the commercial banks, especially that of Kaupthing Bank. 
On 9 October 2008 the Icelandic Financial Supervisory Authority intervened in
Kaupthing Bank's operations under the authority of Act no. 125/2008 on the
Authority for Treasury  Disbursements due to Unusual Financial Market
Circumstances etc, which had considerable effects on Exista's financial status.
Exista has responded to the current situation by selling assets. The Company
has already sold its 19.98% holding in Sampo Oyj, its 8.69% holding in
Storebrand ASA, and its 39.63% holding in Bakkavör Group hf. which is subject
to creditors' approval. 

Exista's current situation is unclear at present time. Exista has significant
assets in Icelandic banks in the form of deposits and unsettled agreements
which have not been released. Exista is currently in dialogue with Icelandic
banks, receivership committees and foreign creditors to resolve outstanding

Within Exista are solid companies that play an important role in Icelandic
society, among them the P&C insurance company Vátryggingafélag Íslands hf.
(VÍS), the life insurance company Líftryggingafélag Íslands (Lífís), the asset
finance company Lýsing hf., and Skipti hf., the parent company of Iceland
Telecom (Síminn). These companies are wholly owned by Exista, and rich emphasis
is placed on maintaining uninterrupted operations. 
In accordance with previous announcements, Exista will publish its earnings
reports for the first nine months of the year on 27 November 2008. At the same
time, the Company will give as detailed account of the effects of recent events
on its operations and financial position as possible.

Exista hf.
Group Communication
Sigurdur Nordal
Managing Director
+354 550 8620