Living With Asperger's Syndrome -- A Candid Memoir About a Woman Who Would Not Give Up On Her Son's Condition

SOUTHAVEN, Miss., Oct. 29, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Many people already know about autism. But it is not so well known that autism belongs to a wider class of conditions called autism spectrum disorders. One such manifestation is called Asperger's Syndrome (Savant) which also causes learning disabilities, developmental problems, and difficulties with social interaction. Some unfortunate youngsters, in fact, may be labeled as "unteachable." Judy Creel's son had this syndrome but she refused to believe that there was no hope for him. Read a touching story about a mother's love and determination in Life with an Angel and a Fight with the Devil.

This is an inspirational true story about faith, love, and challenges of life in raising a child with Asperger's Syndrome (Savant). With the author's family moving some 28 times in 33 years, it touches on the many adventures -- the good times and the bad -- they had along the way. Life with an Angel and a Fight with the Devil is a candid book that also discusses the spiritual dimension of their journey. It is a must read for anyone who has an afflicted person to care for, those who want to know more about autism, and will encourage and inspire those who are in a similar situation.

It also addresses the problem and challenge of educating children and adults with special needs. In this case, the author and her husband found it necessary and rewarding to go outside the public school system to find help for their son. They also drew upon a deep well of faith to sustain them. This part really enters the spiritual realm and... well, you just have to read the story to see.

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About the Author

Judy Creel has had a love for Literature since she began reading as a young girl. She graduated with honors from high school, majoring in English and Literature. Much of her literary readings were of a spiritual content, including books of the Christian Bible as a regular, daily activity. Her real education was when she began teaching her son. She taught herself in all areas of education in order to be prepared to bring her son's education to the college level. This is an accomplishment to be proud of as an early and incorrect diagnosis of her son put him in the category of those with a low IQ and considered to be, "unteachable." She persevered until her goal was accomplished in spite of the difficulties of a somewhat unusual life of being married to a Contract Engineer whose job required that he move a lot from one area of the country to another.

    Life with an Angel and a Fight with the Devil * by Judy V. Creel
                      Publication Date: 09/11/2008
        Trade Paperback; $19.99; 217 pages; 978-1-4363-5618-3
         Cloth Hardback; $29.99; 217 pages; 978-1-4363-5619-0

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