Reflect With This Captivating Collection of Paintings -- New Picture Book Showcases Vladimir A. Shvartsman's Expressive Artworks

LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 29, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- After dealing with many personal struggles decades ago, Russia-born author Vladimir A. Shvartsman chose painting as a way to redeem himself and, at the same time, express his insights to others. For the first time ever, readers all over the country will discover his amazing artworks with the release of his new picture book Reflections of Life.

Reflections of Life is a captivating collection of painted art, which emphasizes our society, the people among us and cultures. Readers will find visual pieces reflecting stories from the bible, the author's self-portrait, earthly creatures, our natural environment and many other images that will remind them of their humanity and their existence. Interestingly at the end of this book are the author's personal descriptions for each and every painting featured, which will give you clear ideas as to why they were illustrated and what they meant. To order a copy of Reflections of Life, feel free to visit your local bookstore or log on at today.

About the Author

After immigrating in 1977, he implemented one of his inventions (neural-cell) into a super-sensitive processor for detecting a faint signal from the heart at University of Louisville. In 1994, his family fell apart and his life endured drastic changes and writing has become almost a necessity. There were no friends to listen to his entire story. "The computer has become my real friend. I can write as much as I wish and it will never complain."

Although Shvartsman has written many scientific and technical works, only one book, Color of Truth, has been published. For four years, after a difficult divorce, he wrote the trilogy The Fool and Born Under the Dark Sun as the first book. Several more books are waiting to be published. Shvartsman manages a small high-tech company and manufactures products based on his inventions. He continues to paint, but mostly writes. He is currently working on Dirty Body can be wash off but not Dirtied Soul, which will be published during spring of 2008.

             Reflections of Life * by Vladimir A. Shvartsman
                   Publication Date: February 22, 2008
            Picture Book; $31.99; 48 pages; 978-1-4363-0573-0
       Picture Book Hardcover; $41.99; 48 pages; 978-1-4363-0574-7

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