Interim report January-September 2008

Interim report January-September 2008

Third quarter 2008
- After taxes, a loss of SEK 18 m was reported (profit: 15)

- No capital gains on divestments of portfolio company shares (0)

- The loss per share was SEK 0.28 (earnings: 0.22)

- Cash flow for the period was a negative SEK 20 m (positive: 19)

- Skanditek increased its holding in Theducation to 74 percent, meaning that
Theducation is a subsidiary as of July

- Agreement signed with Investor Growth Capital concerning a capital
contribution of SEK 56 m to CMA Microdialysis

- The ownership share in Bure was increased to 19.9 percent

- The portfolio company Bure reached an agreement on the sale of the subsidiary
Anew Learning to AcadeMedia

Interim report period January-September 2008
- After taxes, a loss of SEK 18 m was reported (profit: 155)

- No capital gains from divestment of shares in portfolio companies (SEK 107 m)

- The loss per share amounted to SEK 0.25 (earnings: 2.34)

- Cash flow for the period was a negative SEK 100 m (neg: 73)

- Acquisition of 7 percent of PartnerTech, 28 percent of Theducation and 13
percent of The Chimney Pot. Ownership in Bure increased by 2 percent.

After the end of the interim period

- CMA Microdialysis implemented a private placement to Investor Growth Capital
whereby, as of October 16, CMA is no longer included as a subsidiary in the
Skanditek Group.

- AcadeMedia has completed the acquisition of Bure's subsidiary Anew Learning.

- Portfolio company Bure convened an extraordinary general meeting at which
distribution of Bure's shareholding in AcadeMedia to the shareholders will be

The information in this interim report is of the type that Skanditek is
obligated to disclose in accordance with the Securities Market Act and the
Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for disclosure
on November 3, 2008 at 2.00 p.m. CET.

Financial reports and press releases are published in Swedish
and English and are available on the Company's website at

For more information, please contact:
Patrik Tigerschiöld, President,
Telephone +46 (0)8-614 00 20
Elisabeth Koch, CFO,
Telephone +46 (0)8-614 00 20

