Green Wind Energy A/S - change of face value - new ISIN

|                                      |           Copenhagen, 3 November 2008 |
Green Wind Energy A/S - change of face value - new ISIN                         

On the ordinary general meeting held on 31 October 2008 in Green Wind Energy it 
was adopted to change the face value of the company's shares. Due to the change,
the ISIN of the shares will be changed.                                         

The changes will be implemented on NASDAQ OMX on 7 November 2008.               

| ISIN:                                  | DK0010270420                        |
| New ISIN:                              | DK0060159994                        |
| Name:                                  | Green Wind Energy                   |
| Capital before change:                 | 324,360,000 shares each bearing a   |
|                                        | face value of DKK 0.50 (DKK         |
|                                        | 162,180,000)                        |
| Volume after change:                   | 16,218,000 shares each bearing a    |
|                                        | face value of DKK 10 (DKK           |
|                                        | 162,180,000)                        |
| New face value:                        | DKK 10                              |
| Short name:                            | GW                                  |

For further information, please see announcements from Green Wind Energy, e.g.  
announcement of 31 October 2008.                                                

For further information, please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 
93 33 66


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