Nine Month Report, January−September 2008

Nine Month Report, January−September 2008

January−September 2008 compared to January−September 2007

- Revenue amounted to SEK 104.6 billion (100.4). In Construction, revenue rose
by 12 percent adjusted for currency rate effects.
- Operating income for the Group amounted to SEK 4,013 M (3,769).
- Operating income in Construction decreased by 12 percent and amounted to SEK
2,800 M (3,172). Operating margin decreased to 2.8 (3.4) percent. 
- In Residential Development, operating income totaled SEK 353 M (509), with an
operating margin of 6.7 (9.1) percent.
- During the report period, Skanska divested commercial properties worth SEK
2,604 M (1,903), with a capital gain totaling SEK 972 M (743).
- Income after financial items amounted to SEK 4,339 M (3,941).
- Profit for the report period totaled SEK 3,167 M (2,877), and earnings per
share amounted to SEK 7.53 (6.83).
- Operating cash flow before taxes, financing activities and dividends amounted
to SEK -1,283 M (828).
- Order bookings decreased by 8 percent and amounted to SEK 98.9 billion
(107.7). Adjusted for currency rate effects, order bookings decreased by 6
- In the third quarter, order bookings totaled SEK 30.4 billion (29.6).
- Order backlog totaled SEK 148.1 billion (145.8), equivalent to 12 (14) months
of construction.  
- At the end of the period, interest-bearing net receivables amounted to SEK 6.9
billion. In addition, Skanska has an un-utilized long-term credit facility of
SEK 7.3 billion. 

This and previous releases can also be found at

Skanska AB may be required to disclose the information provided herein pursuant
to the Securities Markets Act.

Skanska is one of the world's leading construction groups with expertise in
construction, development of commercial and residential projects and
public-private partnerships. The Group currently has 60,000 employees in
selected home markets in Europe, in the US and Latin America. Headquartered in
Stockholm, Sweden and listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, Skanska's sales in
2007 totaled SEK 139 billion.

