INTERIM REPORT 1 January - 30 September 2008

LÄNNEN TEHTAAT PLC              Interim report     4 November 2008 at 8.30 am   

INTERIM REPORT 1 January - 30 September 2008                                    

-  Profit for the period EUR 14.5 (9.4) million.                                
-  Earnings per share EUR 2.31 (1.51).                                          
-  Net sales of continuing operations EUR 268.2 (213.1) million, or growth of   
-  Continuing operations showed an operating profit of EUR 2.7 (0.3) million    
(excluding non-recurring items); non-recurring items amounted to EUR 7.3 (0.7)  
-  Profit from continuing operations EUR 7.5 (1.0) million.                     

July - September:                                                               
-  Profit for the period EUR 8.3 (3.1) million.                                 
-  Earnings per share EUR 1.33 (0.49).                                          
-  Net sales of continuing operations EUR 76.3 (73.6) million, or growth of 4%. 
-  Operating profit (excluding non-recurring items) EUR 0.3 (0.6) million;      
non-recurring items amounted to EUR 2.5 (0.5) million.                          

The figures in this interim report have not been audited.                       

Matti Karppinen, CEO:                                                           

”During the period July - September Lännen Tehtaat carried out two important    
strategic restructurings. We sold our remaining Suomen Rehu shares to           
Hankkija-Maatalous, which marked the conclusion of Lännen Tehtaat's withdrawal  
from the feed business. We also sold our jams business to Saarioisten Säilyke,  
which will enable Apetit Pakaste to focus on the development and expansion of   
frozen foods. These transactions, which are in line with our strategy, will     
strengthen Lännen Tehtaat's financial standing and give it more freedom of      
action on the corporate acquisition market. As a result of the recent turbulence
on the financial markets, there are now more companies on sale and valuations   
are also at more attractive levels.”                                            

KEY INDICATORS                                                                  

EUR million                                                                     

                                 7-9/     7-9/     1-9/     1-9/     1-12/      
                                 2008     2007     2008     2007      2007      
Continuing operations                                                           
Net sales                        76.3     73.6    268.2    213.1     309.6      
Operating profit                  2.7      1.2     10.0      0.9       5.3      
Operating profit                                                                
(excluding non-recurring items)   0.3      0.6      2.7      0.3       4.9      
Profit before taxes               2.2      1.1      8.3      0.9       4.6      
Profit for the period             1.6      1.2      7.5      1.0       4.2      
Earnings per share, EUR          0.26     0.18     1.18     0.16      0.66      

Discontinued operations                                                         

Profit for the period             6.6      1.9      7.1      8.4       9.2      
Earnings per share, EUR          1.07     0.31     1.13     1.35      1.48      


With a transaction concluded in early September Lännen Tehtaat plc sold its     
remaining holding of 49% in Suomen Rehu Ltd to Hankkija-Maatalous Oy. The       
transaction was a continuation of a transaction concluded in June 2007 under    
which Suomen Rehu and its subsidiaries became part of the Hankkija-Maatalous    
Group. As a result of the second transaction in September, Lännen Tehtaat has   
now completely withdrawn from the feed business, and the move is also in        
accordance with its strategy. The price paid by Hankkija-Maatalous for the      
minority holding was EUR 27 million. The transaction generated a tax-free sales 
profit of EUR 6.6 million which has been recognized in the discontinued         
operations' profits during the third quarter. In the profit and loss account for
the period under review and the comparison period, Suomen Rehu is shown as a    
discontinued operation.                                                         

With a transaction closed in September, Apetit Pakaste Oy, a Lännen subsidiary, 
sold its jams business (including the Dronningholm brand) to Saarioisten Säilyke
Oy. The transaction generated a taxable sales profit of EUR 2.5 million which   
has been recognized in the third-quarter profit of the Frozen Foods Business as 
a non-recurring item.                                                           

The ownership changes in Avena Nordic Grain Oy put into effect at the start of  
the period under review have been covered in the interim report for the first   

CHANGES IN REPORTING PRACTICES                                                  

Starting on 1 January 2008, Lännen Tehtaat revised the way its share of         
associated companies' profits is reported. The share of profits of associated   
companies in the food business is included in the operating profit, while the   
share of other associated companies' profits is shown below the operating       
profit. The figures for the comparison year have been adjusted to correspond to 
the new practice.                                                               

The share of the profits of the associated companies' Sucros Ltd and            
Ateriamestarit Oy are included in the operating profits of Other Operations. The
share of the associated company Sandanger AS' profits for the period 1 March and
31 August 2007 is included in the operating profit of the Fish Products Business
during the comparison year.                                                     

DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                                                         

Because of the transaction involving the minority holding in Suomen Rehu, Lännen
Tehtaat's share of the profits of the associated company Suomen Rehu is         
presented in the profit and loss account of the period under review and the     
comparison period under discontinued operations. Profits for discontinued       
operations during the period under review also include the profit from the sale 
of the minority holding in Suomen Rehu.                                         

The profits generated by discontinued operations during the comparison period   
includes the January-May profit of the Suomen Rehu group, profit from the sale  
of the majority holding and the 49%-share of Suomen Rehu's profit for           

NET SALES AND PROFIT                                                            


The profit for the period amounted to EUR 14.5 (9.4) million and earnings per   
share EUR 2.31 (1.51).                                                          

Continuing operations                                                           

The net sales of continuing operations came to EUR 268.2 (213.1) million, an    
increase of 26%.                                                                

The operating profit for the period amounted to EUR 10.0 (0.9) million. The     
operating profit without non-recurring items was EUR 2.7 (0.3) million.         
Non-recurring items totalled EUR 7.3 (0.7) million. Associated companies        
accounted for EUR 5.6 (0.8) million of the operating profit including           
non-recurring items of EUR 5.0 (0.7) million generated in connection with the EU
sugar reform.                                                                   

The net financing expenses of continuing operations amounted to EUR 1.6 (0.1)   
million. These include the right to a dividend (EUR 0.4 million) of the employee
shareholders of Avena Nordic Grain Oy, which is based on the profits generated  
by the Avena Nordic Grain group during the period. Expenses generated by net    
interest-bearing liabilities were at the same level as in the comparison period.
Financing items in the comparison period included positive exchange rate        
differences and positive effects of interest rate hedges.                       

The profit before taxes amounted to EUR 8.3 (0.9) million and the profit for the
period was EUR 7.5 (1.0) million.                                               

Discontinued operations                                                         

Suomen Rehu was included in discontinued operations during the period under     
review and the comparison period. The net sales of discontinued operations in   
the comparison period amounted to EUR 78.8 million.                             

The profit of the discontinued operations amounted to EUR 7.1 (8.4) million. The
figure includes a profit of EUR 6.6 million from the sale of the minority       
holding in Suomen Rehu and a share of EUR 0.5 million of the associated company 
Suomen Rehu's profit for January-August. The figure for the comparison period   
includes the Suomen Rehu Group's profit of EUR 2.3 million for January-May, a   
profit of EUR 5.6 million from the sale of the majority shareholding and a share
of EUR 0.5 million of the associated company Suomen Rehu's profits for          


The net sales of the continuing operations totalled EUR 76.3 (73.6) million,    
which was 4% higher than in the comparison period. Except for Grain Trading,    
there was growth in all business segments.                                      

The operating profit of continuing operations (excluding non-recurring items)   
for July-September amounted to EUR 0.3 (0.6) million. Fish Products and         
Vegetable Oils posted higher profits than in the comparison period. Frozen Foods
remained at the same level as in the comparison period and Grain Trading and    
Other Operations were lower than in the comparison period.                      

FINANCING AND CASH FLOW                                                         

The sale of Suomen Rehu's shares improved the Group's financial position and    
liquidity. The cash flow from operations (after interest and taxes) for         
January-September amounted to EUR 4.5 (4.6) million. The change in working      
capital had an impact of EUR 2.6 (-4.7) million. The net cash flow from         
investments totalled EUR 18.7 (18.6) million, while the cash flows from loans   
amounted to EUR -15.3 (-21.7) million. A total of EUR 5.3 (5.3) million was paid
in dividends. The cash flows of discontinued operations are included in the cash
flows of the comparison period. The change in cash and cash equivalents amounted
to EUR 1.3 (-3.8) million.                                                      

At the end of the period under review, interest-bearing liabilities totalled EUR
17.3 (36.8) million and liquid assets EUR 24.3 (18.7) million. Net              
interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR -7.0 (18.1) million. The           
consolidated balance sheet total stood at EUR 200.7 (204.6) million. The equity 
ratio was 67.1 (60.9)%. At the end of the period under review, issued commercial
papers used by the Group for short-term financing amounted to EUR 12.0 (27.0)   
million. The counterparty risk in connection with the company's liquid cash and 
cash equivalents is considered very low and the company does not see any        
material risk materializing in the forthcoming future. The liquidity is secured 
with committed credit facilities, and the credit facilities available totalled  
EUR 25 (23) million at the end of the period under review.                      


In continuing operations, gross investment in non-current assets during the     
period under review amounted to EUR 5.7 (3.5) million. Investment in the Frozen 
Foods Business totalled EUR 3.9 (1.6) million, Fish Products Business EUR 1.2   
(1.5) million, Vegetable Oils Business EUR 0.1 (0.3) million, Grain Trading EUR 
0.1 (0.0) million and Other Operations EUR 0.2 (0.1) million.                   


The average number of personnel in continuing operations during the period under
review totalled 778 (676). The figure for the Frozen Foods Business was 231     
(242), Fish Products Business 468 (358), Vegetable Oils Business 35 (36), Grain 
Trading 30 (29) and Other Operations 12 (11). The figure for Apetit Suomi Oy is 
divided between Frozen Foods and Fish Products in relation to the services      
charged. The increase in the number of Fish Products personnel is mainly due to 
the acquisition of the Maritim Food Group during the comparison period and the  
growth in the number of Kalatori service counter staff. The Kalatori service    
counters, which were previously operated on a franchise basis, were converted   
into outlets managed by own personnel.                                          

BUSINESS SEGMENTS                                                               

Frozen Foods Business                                                           

EUR million                       7-9/     7-9/     1-9/     1-9/    1-12/      
                                  2008     2007     2008     2007     2007      
Net sales                         11.7     11.0     37.7     36.1     49.3      
Operating profit                                                                
(excluding non-recurring items)    0.9      1.0      1.5      1.8      3.5      
Operating profit                   3.4      0.8      4.0      1.6      3.3      

Net sales of the Frozen Foods Business for July-September were 6% higher than in
the comparison period. Sales increased in all distribution channels, except for 
exports. Sales of retail products grew by about 4%, HoReCa sales by 8% and sales
of bakery products by more than 30%. Export sales dropped by almost one third   
from the comparison period, when some of the good pea harvest was exported to   
Central Europe.                                                                 

Focusing sales on high-margin products and successful cost control meant that   
the drop in the operating profit (excluding non-recurring items) for            
July-September was less than forecast.                                          

The process of moving the production of the Turku plant to Säkylä continued     
during the period under review. The work on the extension of the production and 
packaging facilities and the renovation of the premises formerly used by the    
jams business for the use of frozen ready meals moving from Turku have          
progressed according to schedule. Following the end of jam production in        
September, Lännen Tehtaat started conversion training in which jam-production   
staff will be familiarized with frozen food production. Most of the             
non-recurring costs of EUR 0.5 million resulting from the move will occur during
the last quarter. The positive effects of the move will be felt from the first  
quarter of 2009 onwards.                                                        

The purchasing of raw materials from domestic contract farmers was as planned   
during the summer and early autumn. Heavy rains that started in October have,   
however, made the harvesting of the remaining vegetable crops more difficult and
the final harvest depends on the harvesting and storage conditions during the   
next few weeks.                                                                 

Net sales for January-September increased by 4% and sales were up in all        
distribution channels. The strongest-growing Apetit product groups were frozen  
berries, and frozen potato and frozen ready-meals. The frozen vegetable and     
potato products introduced in the first half of the year did particularly well. 

Price increases aimed at compensating for higher raw material, energy and       
personnel costs have been implemented as planned during the year in review.     

The operating profit for the period under review (excluding non-recurring items)
was somewhat higher than expected and almost at the same level as in the        
comparison period.                                                              

Investment in the Frozen Foods Business in January-September amounted to EUR 3.9
(1.6) million, comprising the investment at Säkylä made necessary by the move of
production from Turku and the introduction of the enterprise resource planning  
system (ERP). It has been decided to postpone the launching of the system to    

Fish Products Business                                                          

EUR million                       7-9/     7-9/     1-9/     1-9/  1-12/        
                                  2008     2007     2008     2007   2007        
Net sales                         21.3     19.8     65.9     56.7   81.7        
Operating profit                                                                
(excluding non-recurring items)   -0.7     -0.8     -1.3     -2.0   -1.5        
Operating profit                  -0.7     -0.8     -1.3     -2.0   -1.7        

Net sales of the Fish Products Business in July-September were 8% higher than in
the comparison period. Net sales were up in all market areas, and business      
operations in Norway and Sweden accounted for most of the growth.               

The Fish Products Business posted a loss even though the performance of the     
segment improved slightly. Domestic operations showed better results than in the
comparison period, while there was a slight weakening of the performance of     
foreign operations.                                                             

The profitability of the domestic operations have been boosted considerably by  
improvements in labour and raw-material productivity and more reliable          
deliveries. Retailers have continued aggressive marketing of salmon and rainbow 
trout fillets. The fact that consumers prefer low-priced salmon and rainbow     
trout fillets with low added value has weakened the profitability of            
consumer-packaged fillet products and Kalatori service counters.                

The profitability of foreign operations has been adversely affected by rising   
prices of shellfish raw materials. Because of long contract periods it has      
proved impossible to pass the increases to the sale prices. The financial       
performance has also been affected by lower labour and raw-material productivity
in the Swedish operations. The responsibilities for production management were  
given a clearer definition at the end of the period under review.               

In domestic service sales contractual practices will be renewed, the structure  
of the sales network will be made more efficient and the product range will be  
developed in order to improve profitability. In units outside Finland, measures 
aimed at improving productivity and efficiency will continue.                   

In summer, the EU Council repealed the regulations on anti-dumping duties on    
Norwegian-bred salmon and large-size rainbow trout. After the revoking of the   
regulations there have been no significant changes in import prices.            

Apetit Kala Oy and Saarioinen Oy launched HoReCa-cooperation in early September.
Under the agreement concluded in spring, Saarioinen will sell and market        
products made by Apetit Kala and Maritim Food on the Finnish HoReCa market. The 
aim is to increase significantly the sales of fish and shellfish products in the
HoReCa sector.                                                                  

Net sales of the Fish Products Business increased by 16% in January-September,  
the growth coming from foreign operations. Maritim Food and Sandanger, which    
were incorporated into the Group in March 2007 and early September 2007         
respectively, accounted for about EUR 11 million of the growth.                 
The financial performance for January-September was better than in the          
comparison period but the segment nevertheless posted a loss.                   

Mr. Jarno Järvinen began as managing director of Apetit Kala Oy at the start of 
September. Mr. Jan Brevik was appointed managing director of Maritim Food Sweden
AB and he will also continue as managing director of Maritim Food AS.           

The investment by the Fish Products Business in January-September totalled EUR  
1.2 (1.5) million. Most of the investment in Finland was directed at renewing   
Apetit Kala's ERP system. The new system was introduced at the start of October 
and the process went smoothly. In the foreign units the focus was on machinery  
and equipment that will improve productivity. The most important of these       
investments was the packaging line for HoReCa segment started in Sweden.        

Vegetable Oils Business                                                         

EUR million                       7-9/     7-9/     1-9/     1-9/    1-12/      
                                  2008     2007     2008     2007     2007      
Net sales                         15.5     10.6     45.6     31.3     46.0      
Operating profit                                                                
(excluding non-recurring items)   -0.1     -0.2      0.1      0.7      0.8      
Operating profit                  -0.1     -0.2      0.1      0.7      0.9      

The July-September net sales of the Vegetable Oils Business grew by 46% over the
comparison period. The growth was mainly a result of rapid rises in prices of   
oils and crushed rapeseed and soya products. Demand for rapeseed oils remained  
good and volumes were higher than in the previous year. The amounts of crushed  
rapeseed were at the same level as in the comparison period. Deliveries of soya 
oil and crushed soya dropped from the comparison period. Prices for vegetable   
oil raw materials were substantially higher than in the comparison period.      
Because the autumn started late, the domestic harvest intake in September was   
lower than planned.                                                             

The financial performance of the segment was slightly better than in the        
comparison period, even though it posted a loss. Energy costs were higher than  
during the comparison period. Furthermore, because of the low availability of   
domestic raw material most of the raw materials used at the end of the          
harvesting season had to be imported, and the freight costs of imports had a    
negative impact on profitability. Because Mildola's delivery contracts are on a 
long-term basis, it was impossible to pass rising costs to the sale prices to   
the extent required.                                                            

The raw-material market for vegetable oils remains volatile because prices are  
not only affected by the harvest outlook and demand in the food industry but    
also by the prices of biofuels and crude oil and price speculation. Because of  
the downturn in the global economy, there were sharp falls in the prices of raw 
materials and end products at the end of the period. Because the products and   
raw materials of the Vegetable Oils Business are priced in advance, the falls   
will not have any immediate impact on net sales.                                

Net sales for January-September were 46% higher than in the comparison period.  
The growth was the result of increases in raw material and sales prices during  
the past year and higher volumes.                                               

The financial performance of the Vegetable Oils Business was weaker than in the 
comparison period.                                                              

New operating approaches on the end-product and raw-material markets will       
improve the profitability of the Vegetable Oils Business.                       

The area used in Finland for rapeseed cultivation during the current harvesting 
season decreased from 90,000 to 65,000 hectares, which means that the proportion
of domestic raw material will also shrink during the season. Increased use of   
imported rapeseed will also push up freight costs.                              

Mr. Erkki Lepistö started as the director responsible for the Vegetable Oils    
Business and as managing director of Mildola Oy at the beginning of July.       

The investment of EUR 0.1 (0.3) million in the Vegetable Oils Business was in   
small-scale replacements.                                                       

Grain Trading                                                                   

EUR million                       7-9/     7-9/     1-9/     1-9/    1-12/      
                                  2008     2007     2008     2007     2007      
Net sales                         27.8     32.1    119.5     89.3    132.8      
Operating profit                                                                
(excluding non-recurring items)    0.7      0.9      4.6      2.6      3.9      
Operating profit                   0.7      0.9      4.6      2.6      3.9      

Net sales of Grain Trading went down by 13% during the third quarter from the   
comparison period. The drop was due to the fact that prices and volumes were    
lower than in the comparison period. The volume of domestic sales was higher and
that of exports and trade between third countries lower than in the comparison  

Trading in grain was at normal levels during the harvesting season. A sharp fall
in prices after the harvesting season has made EU farmers reluctant to sell any 
grain. End users in the EU and elsewhere have met most of their short-term needs
well, and in a situation characterized by good harvests and falling prices, they
make new purchasing decisions on a short-term basis. This has resulted in a     
substantial drop in grain trading activity during the third quarter.            

The operating profit for July-September was slightly lower than in the          
comparison period.                                                              

Net sales grew by 34% in the period January-September. The  operating profit for
the period was, as a result of good performance during the first half of the    
year 2008, substantially higher than in the comparison period.                  

Encouraged by high prices during the last harvesting season, farmers in all     
important production areas of the world increased areas under cultivation. The  
weather was favourable and the harvests were good. The EU grain harvest was 307 
(254) million tonnes and that of Ukraine and Russia 45 (29) million tonnes and  
more than 100 (82) million tonnes respectively. The Finnish grain harvest was   
also better and of higher quality than expected. Prices have declined           
substantially since spring, a result of plentiful global supply and withdrawal  
of large funds from commodity exchanges. Prices during the ongoing harvesting   
season will be affected by such factors as autumn sowing decisions by farmers   
and the size of the areas under sowing.                                         

Investment in Grain Trading, amounting to EUR 0.1 (0.0) million, was directed at
the new ERP system.                                                             

Other Operations                                                                

EUR million                       7-9/     7-9/     1-9/     1-9/    1-12/      
                                  2008     2007     2008     2007     2007      
Net sales                          0.5      1.0      1.8      2.9      4.4      
Operating profit                                                                
(excluding non-recurring items)   -0.6     -0.3     -2.4     -2.9     -1.8      
Operating profit                  -0.6      0.4      2.6     -2.1     -0.9      

The Other Operations segment is made up of the service company Apetit Suomi Oy, 
Group administration, various items that do not come under any particular       
segment and the associated companies Sucros Ltd and Ateriamestarit Oy. The cost 
effect of the services produced by Apetit Suomi Oy is an encumbrance on the     
financial performance of the business units in proportion to the use of the     

The decline in the net sales of the segment in July-September is the result of  
the end of sales and product development service obligations as these operations
were transferred from Apetit Suomi Oy to individual business units. The         
operating profit of EUR -0.6 (-0.3) for the period (excluding non-recurring     
items) includes EUR 0.2 (0.3) million as the share of associated companies'     

The operating profit of EUR 2.6 (-2.1) million for January-September includes a 
share of EUR 5.6 (0.7) million of associated companies' profits.                

Investment in the segment totalled EUR 0.2 (0.1) million. The most important    
investment was directed at renewing ERP and reporting systems and at            
environmental management at the Säkylä industrial estate. The new ERP system was
introduced at the parent company and Apetit Suomi Oy at the start of September. 
The process went smoothly.                                                      

DECISONS OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING                                          

The Annual General Meeting of Lännen Tehtaat plc was held on 2 April 2008. The  
Meeting approved the financial statements of the parent company and the Group   
and discharged the members of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board  
and the CEO from liability for the 2007 financial year.                         

Distribution of dividends                                                       

The Annual General Meeting decided that a dividend of EUR 0.85 per share would  
be paid from the profit for the 2007 financial year. It was decided that the    
dividend would be paid on 15 April 2008.                                        

Changes in the Articles of Association                                          

The Annual General Meeting approved the Board of Directors proposal about       
raising the maximum age at which a person can be elected to the Board of        
Directors and the Supervisory Board.                                            

AUTHORIZATIONS OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING                                    

Authorization to purchase own shares                                            

The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to decide on the   
acquisition of a maximum total of 250,878 of Lännen Tehtaat's own shares using  
the company's untied equity.                                                    

The authorization will be valid until the next Annual General Meeting.          

Authorization to issue shares                                                   

The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board to decide on a new share issue  
and to sell the company's own shares held by the company either together or in  
several lots. The maximum number of new shares that can be issued is 947,635.   
The authorization covers the 65,000 Lännen Tehtaat shares held by the company at
the time of the authorization and the maximum of 250,878 shares to be purchased 
under the authorization of 2 April 2008.                                        

The authorization will be in force until the next Annual General Meeting. It    
revokes the share issue authorization granted on 29 March 2007 and the          
authorization to transfer the company's own shares granted on the same date.    

More detailed information on the decisions of the Annual General Meeting is     
contained in the stock exchange release of 2 April 2008 and the interim report  
published on 8 May 2008.                                                        

USE OF THE AUTHORIZATION                                                        

Share issue authorizations                                                      

The Board has not, as yet, exercised the share issue authorization or the       
authorization to transfer company's own shares granted by the Annual General    

Purchase of own shares                                                          

The purchasing of the company's own shares, which began during the second       
quarter, continued in July-August. Under the authorization granted by the Annual
General Meeting, a total of 65,000 company's own shares were purchased in the   
trading organized by NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. A total of EUR 1.0 million was    
spent on the purchases and the average price for the shares was EUR 15.25 per   
share. The highest price was EUR 15.89 and the lowest price EUR 14.35.          

At the end of the period under review, the company had a total of 130,000 own   
shares, which have been purchased during and before the period under review.    
Their nominal value is EUR 0.26 million and they represent 2.1% of the shares   
and votes of the company.                                                       

SALE OF SHARES ON THE JOINT BOOK-ENTRY ACCOUNT                                  

The Annual General Meeting of Lännen Tehtaat plc held on 29 March 2007 decided  
on the sale of the company's shares kept on the joint book-entry account that   
have not been transferred to the book-entry system. The sale is in accordance   
with chapter 3a, section 3a of the Companies Act (734/1978) and section 8 of the
Implementing Act of the new Companies Act (624/2006) and will be on behalf of   
the owners of the shares.                                                       

Trading started in September and the shares to be traded are those kept on      
Lännen Tehtaat plc's joint book-entry account. They total 52,115 and represent  
about 0.8% of Lännen Tehtaat plc's shares and votes.                            

SHARES AND TRADING                                                              

During the period under review, 900,875 (739,417) of the company's shares were  
traded on the stock exchange, which was 14.3 (11.7) % of Lännen Tehtaat's share 
stock. The highest share price was EUR 17.00 (24.50) and the lowest EUR 13.20   
(17.65). Share trading during the period totalled EUR 13.1 (16.2) million. At   
the end of the period, the market value of the share stock was EUR 97.6 (114.3) 

FLAGGING ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                          

No flagging announcements were made in the period under review.                 


The Supervisory Board of Lännen Tehtaat plc elected in its constituent meeting  
on 7 April 2008 Helena Walldén as Chairwoman and Juha Nevavuori as Deputy       
Chairman of the Supervisory Board.                                              

The Board of Directors elected by the Supervisory Board on 7 April 2008 has the 
following members: Harri Eela, Heikki Halkilahti, Aappo Kontu, Matti            
Lappalainen, Hannu Simula, Soili Suonoja and Tom v. Weymarn. Tom v. Weymarn will
act as the Chairman and Hannu Simula as the Deputy Chairman of the Board of     

SEASONAL NATURE OF OPERATIONS                                                   

In accordance with the IAS 2 standard, the historical cost of inventories       
includes a systematically allocated portion of the fixed production overheads.  
In production that focuses on seasonal crops, raw materials are processed into  
finished products mainly during the final quarter, which means that the         
inventory volumes and their balance-sheet values peak at the end of the year.   
Since the recognition of the fixed production overheads included in the         
historical cost as an expense item is deferred until the time of sale, most of  
the Group's annual profit is accrued in the final quarter. The seasonal nature  
of operations is most marked in Frozen Foods and in the associated company      

Apetit Kala's sales peak during weekends and seasonal holidays. A large         
proportion of the profits of the Fish Products Business accumulate during       
Christmas sales.                                                                

The net sales of Grain Trading vary both annually and quarterly, depending on   
supply and demand and on prices in Finland and on other markets.                

SHORT-TERM RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES                                              

The major risks for the Lännen Tehtaat Group are connected with the volume and  
quality of the domestic harvest, control of fluctuations in raw-material prices,
changes in customerships, transfer of production from the Turku plant,          
introduction of the ERP systems, corporate acquisitions and takeovers.          


Suomen Sokeri Oy, a subsidiary of Lännen Tehtaat plc's associated company Sucros
Ltd, has sold its beta-amylase enzyme business to Genencor International Oy. The
transaction, which includes the production facility and industrial property in  
Jokioinen, was concluded at the end of October.                                 

Following the transaction, Lännen Tehtaat will recognize a non-recurring profit 
of approximately EUR 2 million as the share of associated companies's profits   
for the final quarter.                                                          

OUTLOOK FOR 2008                                                                

Net sales of continuing operations are expected to rise above 2007 levels       
because of the growth in Grain Trading, Vegetable Oils and Fish Products.       

A good performance by Grain Trading and improved profitability in the Fish      
Products Business are expected to push the operating profit of the continuing   
operations (excluding non-recurring items) above the figures of the comparison  

Contrary to previous forecasts, the Fish Products Business is expected to remain
in loss in 2008, but still improve from the comparative year. The operating     
profit of the Vegetable Oils Business is expected to be positive but lower than 
in 2007.                                                                        

The profit for the financial year will be substantially higher than in the      
comparison period, a result of improvements in the operating performance of the 
continuing operations, the positive non-recurring items of the associated       
company Sucros Ltd, the profit from the sale of the jams business and the profit
resulting from the sale of the minority holding in Suomen Rehu.                 

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                                   
EUR million                                                                     
                                       7-9/    7-9/    1-9/    1-9/    1-12/    
                                       2008    2007    2008    2007     2007    
                                     3 mths  3 mths  9 mths  9 mths  12 mths    
Continuing operations                                                           

Net sales                               76.3   73.6   268.2   213.1    309.6    

Other operating income                   2.8    0.3     3.5     0.9      1.4    
Operating expenses                     -75.4  -72.3  -263.5  -210.1   -302.3    
Depreciation                            -1.2   -1.3    -3.8    -3.6     -5.0    
Impairments                                -   -0.2       -    -0.2     -0.5    
Share of profit/loss of                                                         
accociated companies                     0.2    1.1     5.6     0.8      2.1    
Operating profit                         2.7    1.2    10.0     0.9      5.3    

Financial income and expenses           -0.5    0.0    -1.6    -0.1     -0.8    

Profit before taxes                      2.2    1.1     8.3     0.9      4.6    

Income taxes                            -0.6    0.0    -0.8     0.1     -0.4    

Profit for the period,                                                          
continuing operations                    1.6    1.2     7.5     1.0      4.2    

Discontinued operations                                                         

Profit for the period,                                                          
discontinued operations                  6.6    1.9     7.1     8.4      9.2    

Profit for the period                    8.3    3.1    14.5     9.4     13.4    

Attributable to:                                                                
   Equity holders of the parent          8.3    3.1    14.4     9.4     13.3    
   Minority interests                    0.0    0.0     0.1     0.0      0.1    

Earnings per share, calculated of                                               
the profit attributable to the                                                  
shareholders of the parent company                                              

Basic and diluted earnings per                                                  
share, EUR, total                       1.33   0.49    2.31    1.51     2.13    

Basic and diluted earnings per                                                  
share, EUR, continuing operations       0.26   0.18    1.18    0.16     0.66    

Basic and diluted earnings per                                                  
share, EUR, discontinued operations     1.07   0.31    1.13    1.35     1.48    

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
EUR million                                                                     
                                              30 Sep    30 Sep    31 Dec        
                                                2008      2007      2007        
Non-current assets                                                              
Intangible assets                                5.6       3.6       4.7        
Goodwill                                         6.8       7.5       7.0        
Tangible assets                                 43.6      42.5      43.5        
Investment in associated companies              21.5      37.0      39.2        
Available-for-sale investments                   0.1       0.1       0.1        
Receivables                                      3.3       4.5       4.6        
Deferred tax assets                              1.7       1.4       0.3        
Non-current assets total                        82.8      96.4      99.4        

Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                                     60.1      58.4      64.4        
Receivables                                     33.4      30.3      28.6        
Income tax receivable                            0.1       0.9       0.4        
Financial assets at fair value                                                  
through profit and loss                         18.0      15.0       8.1        
Cash and cash equivalents                        6.3       3.7       5.1        
Current assets total                           117.9     108.2     106.6        

Total assets                                   200.7     204.6     205.9        

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                          
Equity attributable to the equity                                               
holders of the parent company                  134.0     123.9     127.3        
Minority interest                                0.6       0.8       0.7        
Total equity                                   134.6     124.6     128.0        

Non-current liabilities                                                         
Deferred tax liabilities                         4.2       4.5       4.8        
Long-term financial liabilities                  4.9       6.0       5.3        
Non-current provisions                           0.1       0.1       0.1        
Non-current liabilities total                    9.2      10.6      10.2        

Current liabilities                                                             
Short-term financial liabilities                12.5      30.9      28.2        
Income tax payable                               1.8       1.5       0.7        
Trade payables and other liabilities            42.6      37.0      38.7        
Current liabilities total                       56.9      69.4      67.6        

Total liabilities                               66.1      80.0      77.9        

Total equity and liabilities                   200.7     204.6     205.9        

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                
EUR million                                                                     
                                                1-9/      1-9/     1-12/        
                                                2008      2007      2007        
                                              9 mths    9 mths   12 mths        

Net profit for the period                       14.5       9.4      13.4        
Adjustments, total                              -9.9       1.4      -1.5        
Change in net working capital                    2.6      -4.7      -3.3        
Interests paid from                                                             
operating activities                            -1.8      -2.2      -2.8        
Interests received from                                                         
operating activities                             0.5       0.9       0.7        
Taxes paid                                      -1.3      -0.3      -1.2        
Net cash flow from operating activities          4.5       4.6       5.3        

Investments in tangible and intangible assets   -5.7      -4.1      -7.6        
Proceeds from sales of tangible                                                 
and intangible assets                            3.0       0.1       0.2        
Acquisition of subsidiaries deducted by cash    -0.4      -9.9      -9.9        
Proceeds from sales of subsidiaries                -      41.7      42.0        
Transactions with minority                       1.5         -         -        
Acquisition of associated companies             -0.4         -         -        
Proceeds from sales of associated companies     27.0       0.6       0.6        
Purchases of other investments                 -14.0     -35.0     -35.1        
Proceeds from sales of other investments         4.1      20.0      27.0        
Dividends received from investing activities     3.6       5.3       5.3        
Net cash flow from investing activities         18.7      18.6      22.5        

Repayments of short-term loans                 -14.7     -14.4     -16.7        
Repayments of long-term loans                   -0.5      -7.3      -8.1        
Payment of financial lease liabilities          -0.1      -0.1      -0.1        
Purchases of own shares                         -1.0         -         -        
Dividends paid to minority                      -0.3         -         -        
Dividends paid                                  -5.3      -5.3      -5.3        
Cash flows from financing activities           -21.9     -27.0     -30.2        

Net change in cash and cash equivalents          1.3      -3.8      -2.4        
Cash and cash equivalents at the                                                
beginning of the the period                      5.1       7.5       7.5        
Cash and cash equivalents at the                                                
end of the period                                6.3       3.7       5.1        

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                    
EUR million                                                                     

A = Share capital                                                               
B = Share premium account                                                       
C = Net unrealised gains                                                        
D = Other reserves                                                              
E = Own shares                                                                  
F = Translation differences                                                     
G = Retained earnings                                                           
H = Attributable to equity holders of the parent company                        
I = Minority interest                                                           
J = Shareholders' equity total                                                  

                      A     B    C    D     E     F     G      H     I      J   
equity at                                                                       
1 Jan 2007         12.6  23.4  0.4  7.3  -0.8  -0.2  76.5   119.2  0.0  119.2   
Cash flow hedges:                                                               
 recorded in equity   -     -   0.0   -      -     -    -     0.0    -    0.0   
Taxes related to                                                                
items entered into                                                              
equity and removed                                                              
from equity           -     -   0.0    -     -     -    -     0.0    -    0.0   
in subsidiary         -     -     -    -     -   0.2    -     0.2  0.8    1.0   
differences           -     -     -    -     -   0.5    -     0.5    -    0.5   
Other changes         -     -     - -0.1     -     -  -0.1   -0.2    -   -0.2   
Profit for the period -     -     -    -     -     -   9.4    9.4    -    9.4   
Total recognized                                                                
income and                                                                      
expenses              -     -   0.0 -0.1     -   0.7   9.3    9.9  0.8   10.7   
distribution          -     -     -    -     -     -  -5.3   -5.3    -   -5.3   

equity at                                                                       
30 Sep  2007       12.6  23.4   0.4  7.2  -0.8   0.5  80.5  123.8  0.8  124.6   

equity at                                                                       
1 Jan  2008        12.6  23.4   0.4  7.2  -0.8   0.1  84.5  127.3  0.7  128.0   

Cash flow hedges:                                                               
  gains recorded                                                                
  in equity           -     -  -1.4    -     -     -     -   -1.4    -   -1.4   
Taxes related to                                                                
items entered into                                                              
equity and removed                                                              
from equity           -     -   0.4    -     -     -     -    0,4    -    0,4   
in subsidiary         -     -     -    -     -     -   0.4    0.4    -    0.4   
differences           -     -     -    -     -  -0.5     -   -0.5    -   -0.5   
Other changes         -     -     -    -     -     -  -0.4   -0.4    -   -0.4   
Profit for the                                                                  
period                -     -     -    -     -     -  14.5   14.5  0.1   14.6   
Total recognized                                                                
income and                                                                      
expenses              -     -  -1.1    -     -  -0.5  14.5   12.9  0.1   13.1   
Purchase of own                                                                 
shares                -     -     -    -  -1.0     -     -   -1.0    -   -1.0   
distribution          -     -     -    -     -     -  -5.3   -5.3 -0.3   -5.6   

equity at                                                                       
30 Sep  2008       12.6  23.4 -0.7   7.2  -1.8  -0.4  93.7  134.0  0.6  134.6   

BASIS OF PREPARATION AND ACCOUNTING POLICIES                                    

The interim report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, Interim         
Financial Reporting, as adopted by the EU. The accounting policies adopted are  
consistent with those of the Group's annual financial statements for the year   
ended 31 December 2007. In addition, the IFRIC has published IFRIC 15,          
'Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate' and IFRIC 16, 'Hedges of a Net 
Investment in a Foreign Operation'. These interpretations do not have material  
effect to the Lännen Tehtaat's financial statements.                            

SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                             

A  Frozen Foods                                                                 
B  Fish                                                                         
C  Vegetable Oils                                                               
D  Grain Trading                                                                
E  Other Operations                                                             
F  Continuing operations total                                                  
G  Discontinued operations                                                      
H  Total                                                                        

Business segments 1-9/2008                                                      

EUR million                A      B      C      D     E       F      G      H   

Total external sales    37.7   65.9   45.6  119.5    1.8  270.5      -  270.5   
Intra-group sales       -0.1   -0.1    0.0   -0.7   -1.5   -2.3      -   -2.3   
Net sales               37.6   65.8   45.6  118.8    0.3  268.2      -  268.2   

Share of profit/loss                                                            
of associated companies                                                         
included in operating                                                           
profit/loss                -      -      -      -    5.6    5.6      -    5.6   
Operating profit/loss    4.0   -1.3    0.1    4.6    2.6   10.0    6.6   16.6   
Share of profit/loss                                                            
of associated companies    -      -      -      -      -      -    0.5    0.5   

Gross investments in                                                            
non-current assets       3.9    1.2    0.1    0.1    0.2    5.7      -    5.7   
Corporate acquisitions                                                          
and other share                                                                 
purchases                  -      -      -    0.4      -    0.4      -    0.4   
Depreciations            1.0    1.7    0.5    0.0    0.6    3.8      -    3.8   
Impairments                -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -   

Personnel                231    468     35     30     12    778      -    778   

Business segments 1-9/2007                                                      

EUR million                A      B      C      D      E      F      G      H   

Total external sales    36.1   56.7   31.3   89.3    2.9  216.3   78.8  295.1   
Intra-group sales       -0.1   -0.1    0.0   -0.7   -2.4   -3.2  -11.6  -14.8   
Net sales               36.0   56.6   31.3   88.6    0.5  213.1   67.2  280.3   

Share of profit/loss                                                            
of associated companies                                                         
included in operating                                                           
profit/loss                -    0.1      -      -    0.7    0.8      -    0.8   
Operating profit/loss    1.6   -2.0    0.7    2.6   -2.1    0.9    9.2   10.1   
Share of profit/loss of                                                         
associated companies       -      -     -       -      -      -    0.6    0.6   
Gross investments in                                                            
non-current assets       1.6    1.5    0.3      -    0.1    3.5    0.6    4.1   
Corporate acquisitions                                                          
and other share                                                                 
purchases                  -   11.3      -      -      -   11.3      -   11.3   

Depreciations            1.3    0.9    0.5    0.1    0.7    3.6    0.2    3.8   
Impairments              0.2      -      -      -      -    0.2      -    0.2   

Personnel                242    358     36     29     11    676    164    840   

Business segments 1-12/2007                                                     

EUR million                A      B      C      D      E      F      G      H   

Total external sales    49.3   81.7   46.0  132.8    4.4  314.2   78.8  393.0   
Intra-group sales       -0.1   -0.1    0.0   -1.2   -3.2   -4.6  -11.6  -16.2   
Net sales               49.2   81.6   46.0  131.6    1.2  309.6   67.2  376.8   

Share of profit/loss                                                            
of associated companies                                                         
included in operating                                                           
profit/loss                -    0.1      -      -    2.1    2.1      -    2.1   
Operating profit/loss    3.3   -1.7    0.9    3.9   -0.9    5.3    9.1   14.5   
Share of profit/loss of                                                         
associated companies       -      -      -      -      -      -    1.5    1.5   

Gross investments in                                                            
non-current assets       1.6    4.1     0.4     -    0.8    6.9    0.6    7.5   
Corporate acquisitions                                                          
and other share                                                                 
purchases                  -   11.6       -     -      -   11.6      -   11.6   

Depreciations            1.7    1.6     0.6   0.1    1.0    5.0    0.2    5.2   
Impairments              0.2    0.3       -     -      -    0.5      -    0.5   

Personnel                248    379      36    29     11    705    123    827   

Geographical Segments                                                           

Net sales                                                                       

EUR million                                                                     
                                                1-9/      1-9/     1-12/        
                                                2008      2007      2007        
                                              9 mths    9 mths   12 mths        

Finland                                        155.1     134.6     189.2        
Scandinavia                                     53.5      29.4      45.8        
Baltic states and Russia                         4.1       7.3      10.0        
Other countries                                 55.5      41.8      64.6        
Continuing operations total                    268.2     213.1     309.6        
Discontinued operations                            -      67.2      67.2        
Total                                          268.2     280.3     376.8        

DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                                                         

The sale of the majority holding in Suomen Rehu Ltd was completed at the start  
of June 2007, when Suomen Rehu and its subsidiaries were transferred to         
Hankkija-Maatalous Oy. In 2007 the net profit from discontinued operations      
includes a sale profit related to the sold 51% share ownerhip totalling EUR 5.6 
million. Lännen Tehtaat plc and SOK subsidiary Hankkija-Maatalous Oy signed an  
agreement on 1 September 2008, transferring the remaining shares owned by Lännen
Tehtaat in Suomen Rehu Ltd to Hankkija-Maatalous Oy. The transaction price for  
the 49% shareholding was some EUR 27 million. Lännen Tehtaat recognized a       
non-recurring tax-free profit of approximately EUR 6.6 million for the sale of  
these minority shares in its financial performance for the third quarter.       

Because to the transaction, the profit of the associated company Suomen Rehu Ltd
is presented differently in the consolidated income statement. Previously shown 
beneath the operating profit, the share of profit of associated company Ruomen  
Rehu for a the period 1 January - 31 August 2008 will be presented under        
discontinued operations. The information for the comparative year for the period
subsequent to the sale of the majority shareholding, 1 June - 31 December 2007  
will be adjusted accordingly.                                                   

KEY INDICATORS                                                                  
                                              30 Sep    30 Sep    31 Dec        
                                                2008      2007      2007        

Shareholders' equity per share, EUR            21.65     19.81     20.36        
Equity ratio, %                                 67.1      60.9      62.1        
Gearing, %                                      -5.2      14.3      16.0        
Gross investments in non-current                                                
assets, EUR million,                                                            
continuing operations                            5.7       3.5       6.9        
Corporate acquisitions and other                                                
share purchases, EUR million,                                                   
continuing operations                            0.4      11.3      11.6        
Average number of personnel,                                                    
continuing operations                            778       676       705        
Average number of shares, 1 000 pcs            6 232     6 253     6 253        

The key figures in this interim financial report are calculated with same       
accounting principles than presented in year 2007 annual financial statements.  

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                                          
EUR million                                                                     
                                              30 Sep    30 Sep    31 Dec        
                                                2008      2007      2007        
Mortgages given for debts                                                       
Real estate mortgages                            8.9      33.4       7.3        
Corporate mortgages                              1.3      31.4       1.3        
Shares pledged                                     -       9.4         -        
Other quarantees                                 4.9         -       7.7        
Guarantees                                       4.9       0.0       5.1        
Additional purchase price, estimate                -   0.0-1.3         -        

Non-cancellable other leases,                                                   
minimum lease payments                                                          
Real estate leases                               4.2       5.6       5.3        
Other leases                                     0.8       0.8       0.8        

DERIVATIVE INSTRUMENTS                                                          

Outstanding nominal values of                                                   
derivative instruments                                                          
Forward currency contracts                       0.1       4.4       5.0        
Commodity derivative instruments                13.8       6.4       2.6        
Interest rate swaps                                -      25.0      25.0        

INVESTMENT COMMITMENTS                                                          

Lännen Tehtaat had investment commitments in Frozen Foods segment a total of EUR
2.0 million as of 30 September 2008.                                            

CHANGES IN TANGIBLE ASSETS                                                      

EUR million                                                                     
                                                1-9/      1-9/     1-12/        
                                                2008      2007      2007        
                                              9 mths    9 mths   12 mths        

Book value at the beginning of the period       43.5      67.4      67.4        
Acquisitions                                     4.1       3.7       6.5        
Acquisitions of operations                         -       7.5       7.6        
Disposals                                       -0.2       0.0      -0.2        
Disposals of operations                            -     -32.6     -32.6        
Depreciations and impairments                   -3.5      -3.6      -5.1        
Other changes                                   -0.2       0.1      -0.1        
Book value at the end of the period             43.6      42.5      43.5        


EUR million                                                                     
                                                1-9/      1-9/     1-12/        
                                                2008      2007      2007        
                                              9 mths    9 mths   12 mths        

Sales to associated companies                   12.8       9.6      14.3        
Sales to joint ventures                          5.6       6.2       8.1        
Purchase from associated companies               0.7       7.1      12.0        
Purchase from joint ventures                     0.2       0.1       0.1        
Long-term receivebles from associated                                           
companies                                        2.6       3.9       3.9        
Trade receivables and other                                                     
receivables from associated companies            1.5       2.8       3.1        
Trade receivables and other                                                     
receivables from joint ventures                  1.0       1.1       0.8        
Trade payables and other liabilities                                            
to associated companies                          0.0       0.6       0.0        

The sale of goods and services to the associated companies and joint ventures   
are based on valid price catalogues of the Group.                               

LÄNNEN TEHTAAT PLC                                                              
Board of Directors                                                              

Further information: CEO Matti Karppinen, tel. +358 10 402 4001                 

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd                                                         
Principal media                                                        

