Nykredit bonds rated AAA by Standard & Poor's

Rating agency Standard & Poor's today announced that Nykredit Realkredit A/S's
covered bonds ("realkreditobligationer, ROs" and "særligt dækkede obligationer,
SDOs") issued out of capital centres C, D, E and Nykredit In General as well as
covered bonds ("realkreditobligationer") issued out of Totalkredit A/S's
capital centre C have been rated AAA. 

Standard & Poor's also stated that Nykredit Realkredit A/S has been assigned a
long-term counterparty credit rating of A+ and that Nykredit Bank A/S has been
assigned a short-term counterparty credit rating of A-1 and a long-term
counter-party credit rating of A+. 

Peter Engberg Jensen, Group Chief Executive, has the following comments on the

- The AAA rating by Standard & Poor's emphasises Nykredit's substantial credit
strength despite the global financial crisis. We are therefore very pleased
with Standard & Poor's AAA rating of Nykredit's covered bonds, and the rating
confirms, as expected, that Nykredit's covered bonds are of prime gilt-edged

- The new rating by Standard & Poor's is important especially to some foreign
investors who are subject to requirements that their investment assets have two
ratings. We do not expect the rating to affect pricing in the near term, but it
will underpin our sale of bonds to foreign investors in the long term and
thereby have a positive effect on pricing, says Peter Engberg Jensen. 

Standard & Poor's announcements is attached as appendices. 

For further information, please contact Søren Holm, Group Managing Director,
or Nels Petersen, Head of Corporate Communications, tel +45 44 55 14 70/
+45 20 22 22 72.


nykredit bonds rated aaa by standard  poors - 5.11.2008.pdf pressrelease_nykredit_bank - 5.11.2008.pdf pressrelease_nykredit - 5.11.2008.pdf