Derivatives: Anticipated adjustment in Securitas (52/08)

The following information is based on a press release from Securitas AB (Securitas), dated November 6, 2008 and may be subject to change.

The board of Securitas has proposed that an Extra General Meeting (EGM) in December 2008 approves a distribution of all shares in Loomis AB (Loomis) to the Securitas share holders. Shareholders are entitled to one (1) Loomis share for every fifth (5) Securitas share held. The decision is subject to a final approval of the listing by the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Listing Committee. The record date has not yet been published. Provided that the share dividend is carried out NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets will carry out a re-calculation of stock options and futures in Securitas and adjust the OMXS30 Index.

