Grant of warrants

Nasdaq OMX                                                                      
Announcement no. 22/2008                                                        

Grant of warrants                                                               

Copenhagen, 6 November 2008. Today the Board of Directors in Maconomy A/S       
decided to grant a total of 75,000 warrants to Klaus Juhl Wulff, appointed CFO  
as per 1 September 2008.                                                        

Klaus Juhl Wulff is covered by the insider rules in pursuance of the Danish     
Securities Trading Act, for which reason this information is given:             

Grant of warrants under securities identification code DK0010274174:            
| Name         | Reporting       | Date of     | Transaction     | Number of   |
|              | category        | grant       | type            | warrants    |
|              |                 |             |                 | granted     |
| Klaus Juhl   | Manager -       | 6 November  | Warrants        |      75,000 |
| Wulff        | insider         | 2008        |                 |             |

The warrants can be exercised 2 years after the grant and expire 4 years after  
the grant. The exercise price will be the average trading price on Nasdaq OMX 5 
trading days after the announcement of the interim report for Q3 2008 on 6      
November 2008, with an increase of 5%. Consequently, the exercise price cannot  
be determined until 14 November 2008 where Maconomy will issue a supplementary  
announcement with a statement of the value of the granted warrants.             

Hugo Dorph                                                                      

Further information:                                                            
Diana Grimberg                                                                  
Investor Relations Manager                                                      
Phone: +45 35 27 23 88                                                          

This announcement has been prepared in Danish and English. The Danish version is
to be considered the original version for official purposes. In case of any     
discrepancy between the two versions, the Danish version shall prevail.

