Totalkredit - Q1-Q3 Interim Report 2008

1 January - 30 September 2008

- Profit before tax was DKK 711m - on a level with profit for the same period
in 2007. 
- Core income was DKK 1,148m - up 20%.
- Core earnings after impairment losses were DKK 847m - up 19%.
- The investment portfolio generated a loss of DKK 136m against a loss of DKK 4m
in the same period the year before. 
- Nominal mortgage lending increased by DKK 30bn to DKK 393bn.
- Due to negative investment portfolio income, the forecast profit before tax
for the year is 
revised downwards by DKK 100m to DKK 900m. 
- Standard & Poor's assigned AAA rating to covered bonds issued out of Capital
Centre C.


totalkredit - q3 interim report 2008.pdf