DGAP-Adhoc: CENIT sees increased sales and results in 3rd Quarter

CENIT AG Systemhaus / Quarter Results


Release of a Adhoc News, transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Outlook for 2008 reconfirmed

Stuttgart, 6 November 2008 – During the 3rd Quarter, CENIT achieved a 28%
increase in Group-wide sales, from 17.5 to 22.3 m €. Simultaneously, the
operative result (EBIT) rose by 6% to 1.9 m €. This strongly reconfirmed
the 2008 sales expectations projected in mid-year, namely a total of 75 m €
with an operative result (EBIT) between 4 and 4.5 m €.. This permitted us
to halt the decline in results seen during the first half of the year.
During the reporting period, the number of employees rose by 21% from 602
to 726 Group-wide.

Overview of 3rd Quarter

During the 3rd Quarter, Group-wide sales grew by 28% to 22.3 m € (Q3/2007:
17.5 m €). The gross surplus increased by 18% to 16.6 m € (Q3/2007: 14.1 m
€). EBITDA attained 2.5 m € (Q3/2007: 2.1 m € / 19%). EBIT during the
reporting period amounted to 1.9 m € (Q3/2007: 1.8 m € / 6%). The pre-tax
result (EBT) was 2.1 m € (Q3/2007: 2.1 m € / 0%). The consolidated result
attained 1.6 m € (Q3/2007: 1.5 m € / 7%). Consolidated EPS (earnings per
share) thus derive to 0.19 € per share (Q3/2007: 0.18 € / 6%).

Overview of 3rd Quarter Figures

After 9 months, Group-wide sales attained 56.6 m € (09/2007: 55.6 m € /
2%). The gross surplus grew by 3% to 44.9 m € (09/2007: 43.6 m €). EBITDA
reached 3.9 m € (09/2007: 7.3 m € / -47%). EBIT during the reporting period
amounted to 2.8 m € (09/2007: 6.5 m € / -57%). The pre-tax result (EBT) was
3.3 m € (09/2007: 7.0 m € / -53%). The consolidated result was 2.6 m €
(09/2007: 4.6 m € / -43%). Consolidated EPS (earnings per share) thus
derive to 0.31 € per share (09/2007: 0.55 € / -44%). The operative cash
flow was 4.5 m € (09/2007: 7.4 m € / -39%). On the balance-sheet date, the
total of bank deposits and securities incl. current assets amounted to 9.3
m € (31.12.2007: 18.3 m €). The equity ratio was 64% (09/2007: 70.8%). The
enterprise remains free of bank liabilities. Incoming orders grew by 21%,
accounting for a total of approx. 74 m €. (09/2007: 61 m €).

Holdings – Foreign Subsidiaries

CENIT (Switzerland) AG achieved sales of 3.7 m € (09/2007: 2.5 m €),
accounting for EBIT of 2.1 m € (09/2007: 1.4 m €).

CENIT North America Inc. accomplished sales of 4.9 m € (09/2007: 3.8 m €)
and EBIT of 0.2 m € (09/2007: 0.3 m €).

CENIT SRL achieved sales of 0.5 m € (09/2007: 0.2 m €) and EBIT of 0.1 m €
(09/2007: 0,02 m €).

The CENIT company in Toulouse, France generated sales of 0.2 m € and EBIT
of 0 m €.

cad schleffler GmbH, incorporated into CENIT Group since January 2008,
achieved sales of 2.1 m € and  EBIT of 0.4 m €.

Breakdown of Earnings 

The sales volume in the services sector grew by 12% to a current 37.1 m €
(09/2007: 33.2 m €), making it the strongest contributor to sales with
share of 66%. During the first 9 months of the current business year, sales
of CENIT software totaled 7.7 m € (09/2007: 8.6 m € / -10%). Thus, approx.
14% of overall sales can be attributed to sales of CENIT’s proprietary
software. Sales of non-CENIT software increased by 51% to 9.4 m € (09/2007:
6.2 m €) and thus accounted for 17% of total sales. The hardware business
contracted by 68% to 2.4 m € (09/2007: 7.6 m €), equaling approx. 4% of
total CENIT sales.


For the 2008 business year, CENIT’s management reaffirms its sales
expectations of 75 m € as well as its Group-wide EBIT forecast of between 4
and 4.5 m €.

Please send queries to:

CENIT AG Systemhaus
Fabian Rau
Vice President, Investor Relations & Marketing
Industriestraße 52-54, D-70565 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 711 7825-3185
Fax: +49 711 782544-4185
E-Mail: f.rau@cenit.de

About CENIT: Since 1988, the company has been active as a specialist for
product lifecycle management, enterprise content management solutions and
application management outsourcing. CENIT is listed on the Prime Standard
of Deutsche Börse and currently employs more than 720 staff. Among others,
CENIT serves clients such as Allianz, LHI, Daimler, EADS Airbus, LBS,
Metro, as well as numerous medium-sized businesses particularly from the
automotive industry and the mechanical engineering sector, e.g. Dürr, Georg
Fischer or Leoni. http://www.cenit.de


Information and Explaination of the Issuer to this News:

Additional information: This press/ad hoc report may contain
future-oriented statements regarding the business, financial and earnings
situation of as well as profit projections for CENIT. Such future-oriented
statements are characterized by terms or statements such as 'the company
may' or 'the company will', 'expects', 'assumes ', 'is considering',
'intends to', 'plans', 'believes', 'will continue to' and/or 'estimates',
as well as similar terms and statements. Such statements contain no
guarantee that the projections will in fact be achieved. Rather, such
statements involve risks, imponderables and assumptions that are difficult
to predict and, in addition, are based on assumptions as to future events
which may prove to be incorrect. For this reason, actual events may diverge
significantly from the assumptions contained in the above statement. In a
future-oriented statement by which CENIT expresses  expectations  or
assumptions with regard to future events, these expectations or assumptions
are made in good faith, and it shall be assumed that they are made upon an
appropriate basis; however, it cannot be guaranteed that the said
statements, expectations or assumptions shall indeed occur, be attained or
fulfilled. The actual operative result may diverge significantly from such
future-oriented statements and is subject to certain risks. In this regard,
please refer to the Business Report of CENIT AG Systemhaus.
DGAP 06.11.2008 
Language:     English
Issuer:       CENIT AG Systemhaus
              Industriestraße 52 - 54
              70565 Stuttgart
Phone:        +49 (0)711 78 25 - 30
Fax:          +49 (0)711 78 25 - 4000
E-mail:       aktie@cenit.de
Internet:     www.cenit.de
ISIN:         DE0005407100
WKN:          540710
Listed:       Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard), Stuttgart;
              Freiverkehr in Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf
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