Timo Kohtamäki appointed Managing Director of Lemminkäinen Corporation with effect from 1.1.2009

Lemminkäinen Corporation	Stock Exchange Bulletin 6.11.2008, 08:45              

EFFECT FROM 1.1.2009                                                            

Timo Kohtamäki, Lic. Tech., b. 1963, has been appointed to serve as the Managing
Director of Lemminkäinen Corporation with effect from 1.1.2009. He is presently 
the head of Lemminkäinen Group's infrastructure construction business sector and
the Managing Director of Lemminkäinen Infra Oy.                                 

The present Managing Director of Lemminkäinen Corporation, Juhani Sormaala, b.  
1950, will be retiring at the end of the year, having led the Company since     
1994. During his era, Lemminkäinen has grown and developed successfully.        

The leadership change is part of a generational transition in Lemminkäinen's    
management that began at the beginning of 2008.                                 

Timo Kohtamäki has been a Lemminkäinen Group employee since 1996, firstly as a  
construction manager, then as a head of unit, and presently as the head of the  
Company's second-biggest business sector. Mr. Kohtamäki is Chairman of the Board
of Directors of the Finnish Infra Association and a member of the Board of      
Directors of the Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries (RT).         

LEMMINKÄINEN CORPORATION                                                        
Board of Directors                                                              

Additional information:                                                         
Berndt Brunow, tel. +358 50 2726                                                
Chairman of the Board                                                           
Lemminkäinen Corporation                                                        

Timo Kohtamäki´s CV                                                   

Lemminkäinen Group operates in all areas of the construction sector. Its main   
business sectors are building construction, infrastructure construction,        
technical building services, and building products. Net sales in 2007 were      
approx. EUR 2.2 billion, of which international operations accounted for over a 
quarter. The Group employs about 9,200 people. Lemminkäinen Corporation's share 
is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.                                              


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