Experience This In-Depth Analysis of Mankind's Nature -- New Book Attempts to Explore the Ways of Human Nature and Mankind's Behavior

PHOENIX, Nov. 6, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- "Why do we do the things we do?" Why do we behave the way we do? Why is the history of man a history of war? Why is it that until very recently almost all of the world's governments were dictatorships? Why do we believe the things we do? Why do we insist on fabricating Gods? Why do we then insist on using those Gods to impose ourselves on others?

Why is it so hard for many individuals to accept the fact that we are evolved animals? Why is to so hard for many individuals who accept the fact that we are evolved to accept the fact that we still bear the impact of that evolution?

These and a host of other questions are addressed in a new book entitled Dominance & Delusion by M.A. Curtis. Mr. Curtis is a retired engineer with a strong interest in psychology and anthropology. He uses these interests coupled with his engineering background to formulate a new and exciting theory of human behavior. The definitive question is: why do we do the things we do? M.A. Curtis proposes an original and controversial theory to answer this question. An answer that may just surprise some readers.

Dominance & Delusion is a comprehensive guide written to fully explore the ways of human nature, what mankind believes in and what motivates us all to act. Human development and civilization play key roles in this book. The author adopts an objective, unbiased, scientific, and dispassionate attitude in his quest for answers to crucial questions. The author explains, in some detail, that people are biased in favor of the human species. As a result of this bias, we are unable to objectively assess human behavior. From the first page until the last, Dominance & Delusion will keep you thinking.

To order a copy of this engaging read, feel free to visit your local bookstore or call Xlibris at (888) 795-4274. Dominance and Delusion will be featured at this year's California Library Association event in San Jose, CA.

                  Dominance and Delusion * by M.A. Curtis
                       WHY WE DO THE THINGS WE DO
                   Publication Date: February 13, 2008
          Trade Paperback; $19.54; 330 pages; 978-1-4257-7876-7
           Cloth Hardback; $29.69; 330 pages; 978-1-4257-7917-7

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