Nomination committee appointed

Nomination committee appointed

As per specifications set at Meda's 2008 annual general meeting, a nomination
committee has been appointed. It consists of:

Karl-Magnus Sjölin, Committee Chairman, Stena Sessan Rederi AB
Eva Halvarsson, the Second AP Fund 
Peter Rudman, Nordea's funds 
Kerstin Stenberg, Swedbank Robur funds 
Peter Sjöstrand, Meda's board chairman 

Karl-Magnus Sjölin, Committee Chairman 	ph. +46 31-774 35 35
Anders Larnholt, Vice President Investor Relations	ph: +46 709-458 878

MEDA AB (publ) is a leading international specialty pharma company. The company
specialises in marketing and pharmaceutical development in late clinical stage.
Acquisitions and long-term partnerships are fundamental factors that drive the
company's strategy. Meda is represented by its own organisations in about 40
countries. Meda's products are sold in 120 countries worldwide. The Meda share
is listed under Large Cap on the OMX Nordic Stock Exchange. Find out more, visit

