Product from BioGaia counteracts bleeding gums by interacting with the immune system

A new study confirms that chewing gum from BioGaia containing
Lactobacillus reuteri Prodentis reduces gingivitis (inflamed gums).
The study also shows that the Lactobacillus reuteri Prodentis can
interact directly with the human immune system to reduce

The study, published by Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, was performed
by Professor Svante Twetman and his team in the Department of
Cariology and Endodontics at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark.
Commenting on the new study, Professor Twetman says "The importance
of this study is not only that it supports earlier findings that L.
reuteri Prodentis can be effective in the treatment of gingivitis,
but also that it points towards an extended mechanism of action
beyond the ability of fighting off pathogens. Our immune system
involves mediators that promote inflammation when they are "turned
on". Our results suggest that these mediators can be down-regulated
by L. reuteri Prodentis."

In the study, 42 subjects with moderate gingivitis were randomly
assigned to receive either chewing gum containing Lactobacillus
reuteri Prodentis (either one or two chewing gums per day) or placebo
(non- active) chewing gums during a two-week period.
The number of bleeding sites was reduced in both groups taking
Prodentis chewing gums, by 85% for those taking one Prodentis chewing
gum per day and by 86% for those taking two. Both decreases were
statistically significant.

In the Prodentis groups, the amount of fluid in the teeth pockets was
decreased by 43% for those taking one chewing gum per day and by 53%
for those taking two chewing gums per day. Again the decrease was
statistically significant in both Prodentis groups.
In the group that took two Prodentis chewing gums per day, Professor
Twetman's group found a significant decrease of some important
inflammatory mediators, TNF-alpha and IL-8, which points towards a
possible mechanism of action for Prodentis. It is the first time that
such changes caused by oral health probiotics are recorded in a
clinical setting.
In the placebo group, there were no statistically significant changes
for any of the studied parameters.

The oral cavity normally contains a balanced microflora of over 500
different species. Occasionally the balance is overthrown by
pathogenic bacteria and the human immune defence will then react
resulting in an inflammation. Recent data from the USA indicates that
inflamed gums are very common and affects approximately 50% of all
adults over 30 years. A cardinal sign of gingivitis is that the
inflamed gums tend to bleed easily. Dentists frequently observe this
when the teeth are being professionally cleansed. Another sign is
that the tooth pocket is swollen because of the inflammation and that
excess fluid is forced out into the tooth pocket.

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For additional information contact: Peter Rothschild, Managing
Director, telephone: +46 8 - 555 293 00,
Jan Annwall, Deputy Managing Director telephone: +46 8 - 555 293 00

BioGaia is a biotechnology company that develops, markets and sells
probiotic products with documented health benefits. The products are
primarily based on the lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus reuteri
(Reuteri), which has probiotic, health-enhancing effects. The class B
share of the Parent Company BioGaia AB is quoted on the Small Cap
list of the Nordic Stock Exchange in Stockholm.

