Baltika opened four new brand stores in Lithuania

Last week Baltika opened Monton, Mosaic, Baltman and Ivo Nikkolo stores in      
Panorama, the newest shopping and entertainment centre in Vilnius, Lithuania.   
The Panorama centre is the newest shopping complex in the capital of Lithuania, 
which includes a large variety of entertainment services and other service      
providers in addition to fashion stores on its two floors. In total, Baltika's  
brands will cover nearly 1,000 square metres of area in the shopping centre. The
weekend showed that the stores will have a successful start.                    

Recent openings are significant also because Baltika opened its first Mosaic    
store with a new retail concept in Panorama. The Mosaic brand has undergone fast
development during the last couple of years and hence there was a need to create
a cosy and convenient shopping environment that would correspond with the       
expectations and needs of our customers.                                        

With its 33 stores, Lithuania is Baltika's biggest market in terms of the number
of stores. Lithuania is followed by the Estonian, Ukrainian and Russian markets.
Expansion on Baltika's biggest market with the entire brand portfolio is a      
positive sign of the growing awareness of the company's brands in Lithuania.    

Presently, Baltika Group has a total of 132 stores in seven countries. The      
company plans to open two more stores during the remaining part of the year. At 
the end of 2008, Baltika will have 134 stores with a total sales area of 27,000 
square metres.                                                                  

Triin Palge                                                                     
Head of investor relations                                                      
+372 630 2886