January - September 2008

Strong cash position, positive result for the portfolio companies
gives Ledstiernan expansion possibilities

The private equity company Ledstiernan publishes its interim report
for January - September 2008 today.

President Alf Blomqvist comments:"The first nine months 2008 have meant significant improvements in
Ledstiernan's operations and financial position. After the successful
sale of Millennium Media Group this summer Ledstiernan today has a
cash position in the parent company of MSEK 105. All major portfolio
companies, Polstiernan Industri, Metrima and Katshing have shown
positive operating results. Also the majority of the companies within
Ledstiernan Venture showed a positive development and continues to
have good prospects for the longer term. However, for some of the
portfolio companies we deem that the short term market outlook has
weakened. As a result, we have chosen to write down the book value of
the shares in Ledstiernan Venture AB with MSEK 19 in the third
quarter 2008.

Shareholders' equity in the parent company at the end of September
2008 amounted to MSEK 561, corresponding to SEK 98 per share. This
can be compared to the average share price during the last four weeks
of SEK 29. The strong financial position means that Ledstiernan has
good possibilities to take advantage of the business opportunities
that could arise during the coming year", Alf Blomqvist concludes.

The Interim Report is available at www.ledstiernan.com

For further information contact:

Alf Blomqvist, President, +46 8 545 035 21, +46 733 14 97 00
Fredrik Lindgren, Chief Financial Officer, +46 8 545 035 20, +46 708
54 44 20

About Ledstiernan
Ledstiernan AB (publ) is a venture capital company with the business
concept to, as an active owner, help growth companies realize their
potential with a view to attain maximum tong-term value growth. The
portfolio currently comprises 11 core investments. The Company's
shares are listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange.

Ledstiernan AB, Grev Turegatan 18, SE-114 46 Stockholm, Tel: +46
8-545 035 00, Fax: +46 8-545 035 35, www.ledstiernan.com


Press Release January - September 2008.pdf