About AS “Latvijas Krājbanka” Emission prospectus

AS "Latvijas Krājbanka" informs, that on November 7th 2008 the Financial and
Capital Market Commission decided to allow the joint-stock company “Latvijas
Krājbanka” to utter the public offer for 5'000'000 ordinary bearer shares with
voting right at nominal value of LVL 1 (one lat). 
The full text of AS “Latvijas Krājbanka” Emission prospectus is available on
the web site of Financial and Capital Market Commission on the Internet
www.fktk.lv and on the website of AS “Latvijas Krājbanka” www.lkb.lv. 

Kristīne Ozolniece
AS “Latvijas Krājbanka”
The specialist of public relations
Phone: 67068031
Mobile: 25912461
E-mail: kristine.ozolniece@lkb.lv