Comment on informational statement about JSC „Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca” published on 10.11.2008 by the new agency LETA

In connection with the abovementioned publication the Council and the
Management Board of the company intend to give the following statement: 
1. JSC „Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca” has not provided any information about the
situation in the company to the news agency LETA. The sources used by LETA are
not known to us. 

2. JSC „Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca” has time and again faced publishing of
untrue information, but sometimes even tendentiously false information in mass
media. Unfortunately, all claims of the company about revoking and stopping of
publishing such kind of information, including in supervisory institutions,
have not been satisfied. 

3. In these circumstances the Council and the Management Board do not see an
expedience to comment information, which is obtained not from the company, but
from third persons. The Council and the Management Board call repeatedly
depositors and investors to use an official information by evaluating of the
company which in published of the website of Riga Stock Exchange and in the
ORICGS system of the Financial and Capital Market Commission. 

4.  The Council and the Management Board is informing depositors and investors
that all relevant indices, including number of employees, based on the results
of 9 months of 2008 will be published on the abovementioned websites on
November 28, 2008 after their approval by the Council and the Management Board
in legal terms. The Council and the Management Board is drawing attention of
depositors and investors to that that besides theses indices the financial
statement of the company contain also analysis of market, risks and tendencies
of development prospects and production development from the point of view of
the JSC „Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca”. The company does not regard it as
necessary and reasonable to analyse and comment opinion and arguments of the
third persons.

The Management Board of the
JSC „Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca”