Interim report for the first nine months of 2008

Strong premium growth, but higher claims expenses and lower investment income

Nine month result (compared with the first nine months of 2007)
 •Premium income of DKK 12,996m , up 4.8% in local currency (5.3% in DKK) 
 •The technical result was DKK 1,867m against DKK 2,099m in the same period of
  The reduction was due to higher claims expenses 
 •The combined ratio was 88.7 compared with 86.0
 •Gross investment return of DKK 407m, or 1.1%, and a negative net investment
  of DKK 831m due to falling equity prices
 •Pre-tax profit of DKK 999m against DKK 2,471m
 •Profit after tax of DKK 766m against DKK 1,847m

Third quarter result (compared with third quarter 2007)
 •Premium income of DKK 4,425m, up 4.7% in local currency (4.6 % in DKK)
 •Technical result of DKK 546m against DKK 821m due to large claims and
  claims inflation
 •Combined ratio 90.9 against 83.7
 •Net investment return of DKK -331m against DKK -90m due to decline in equity
 •Pre-tax profit of DKK 198m against DKK 726m
 •Profit after tax of DKK 232m against DKK 487m
Outlook and highlights
 •TrygVesta extended its partnership with Nordea for the mutual sale of the two 
  companies'  products until 2013
 •The number of policies increased by 244,000 in 2008, with Finland and Sweden
  policies of the improvement 
 •The forecast for full-year premium growth is unchanged at 5%. The forecast
for the 
  technical result is lowered from DKK 2.6bn to DKK 2.2bn, and the combined
  forecast is changed from 88 to 90. Furthermore, the investment income
forecast has 
  been updated up to and including 31 October 2008, resulting in an expected
  investment loss of DKK 1.1bn. The forecast pre-tax profit is therefore
reduced from 
  DKK 2.3bn to DKK 1.1bn, and the forecast profit after tax is reduced from DKK
  to DKK 0.6bn due to non-deductible equity losses 
 •The preliminary forecast for 2009 is a growth rate in line with 2008 and a
  ratio at the level prevailing in 2008


trygvesta q3 2008 report uk.pdf