Extraordinary General Meeting in Forstædernes Bank

Stock Exchange Announcement no. 29
The Copenhagen Stock Exchange
12 November 2008

Extraordinary General Meeting in Forstædernes Bank

Forstædernes Bank held an extraordinary general meeting on 12 November 2008.

All motions according to the agenda (enclosed) were adopted, that is:

Amendments to Articles of Association:
•	Consequential amendments as a consequence of the company's shares being
      delisted from NASDAQ QMX Copenhagen 
•	Amendment on the mode of notifying general meetings
•	Amendment to permanent items on the agenda of ordinary general meetings
•	Executive Board is being extended to count from two to four members
•	Amendment of the requirement of having two state authorised public accountants
•	Election of members of the Board of Directors
•	Mr. Peter Engberg Jensen, group chief executive
•	Mr. Karsten Knudsen, group managing director
•	Mr. Per Ladegaard, group managing director
•	Mr. Søren Holm, group managing director
•	Mr. Jesper Andreasen, executive vice president
Employee elected representatives on the Board will continue in office.
•	Election of auditor
AP, Statsautoriserede revisorer I/S discontinues their service at auditors for
the company and Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab continues as
the company's sole auditor. 

After the extraordinary general meeting, the Board of Directors held a
constituent meeting in which Peter Engberg Jensen was elected chairman and
Karsten Knudsen was elected deputy chairman. 

The Board of Directors

Appendix 1: Agenda for the extraordinary general meeting
Appendix 2: Principal occupation of and most important directorship held by the
members of the Board of Directors 
Appendix 3: Full wording of the amendments to the Articles of Association.

For further details, please contact Steffen Torvits at tel. +45 22 22 20 36.

This announcement has been issued both in Danish and English. In case of any
discrepancies, the Danish version shall prevail.

